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Show 1876.] MR. F. DAY ON THE FISHES OF YARKAND. 789 so high at its commencement as it is long. Colours: silvery, with black spots on the upper half of the body. This species has a more elevated dorsal profile and shorter barbels than S. intermedius. Hab. Cashmere Lake. 9. PTYCHOBARBUS CONIROSTRIS. Ptychobarbus conirostris, Steindachner, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1866, p. 789, t. xvii. f. 4 ; Gunther, Cat. vii. p. 169. B.iv., D. f, P. 22, V. 10, A. 7-8, C. 19, L. 1. 95, L. tr. 24/. Length of head 4f to 5, of caudal 7\, height of body 6\ to 6\ in the total length. Eyes: diameter from 4\ to 5| in the length of the head, 2 diameters from the end of snout, and l\ apart. The greatest width of the head equals its postorbital length, but is slightly less than its height. Mouth horseshoe-shaped, with the upper jaw a little the longer, and rather overhung by the snout; the maxilla reaches to below the front edge of the eye. Lower labial fold very broad, uninterrupted, and with a cleft in the median line posteriorly. Barbels: a pair at the angle of the mouth, which reach the posterior edge of the preopercle ; in a small specimen, 3*1 inches long, they only equal \ a diameter of the eye in extent. Teeth : pharyngeal ones in two rows. Fins : the dorsal commences much nearer the snout than the base of the caudal, its entire base being equidistant from these two points ; it has no osseous ray, and is as high as the body below it. Pectoral as long as the head behind the nostrils, and does not reach quite so far as the ventral, which latter fin arises under the last few dorsal rays and reaches two thirds of the distance to the base of the anal. The anal, when laid flat, reaches the base of the caudal, its base is 2^ in its height. Scales: the tiled row small, not one third of the diameter of the eye. Colours: silvery, darkest along the back and upper half of body, where most of the scales have black margins, thus causing small reticulations in the colour. Upper surface of the head spotted with black ; some spots on the dorsal fin, and sometimes a few light ones on the caudal. Hab. Head-waters of Indus, Hanli in Tibet, and Chiliscorus. 10. PTYCHOBARBUS LATICEPS, sp. nov. B. iv., D. f, P. 18, V. 9, A. ?, C. 20, L. 1. 145. Length of head 4\, of caudal 9^, height of body 7 in the total length. Eyes: diameter 12 in the length of head, 2\ diameters from the end of snout, and also apart. Mouth anterior, with the lower jaw somewhat the longer ; the depth of the cleft of the mouth equals half the width of the gape. Upper surface of the head broad, its width being nearly twice its height. No lower labial fold under the mandible. Barbels : a maxillary pair as long as the eye. Fins: dorsal arises slightly nearer the base of the caudal than the end of the snout; its last undivided ray weak, articulated at its ex- P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1876, No. LII. 52 |