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Show 640 MR. H. SAUNDERS ON THE STERNINA. [June 20, of the bill-a very variable character in Terns, and one which, when taken alone, does not seem to be of so much value in this family as in many others. All things considered, the following arrangement of the various species seems to m e to be the most natural; but, as is well known to all naturalists who have undertaken a similar task, it is impossible to attain to absolute consistency in locating the various members of a family in an ascending or descending scale ; for the aberrant forms which frequently present themselves would destroy the best scheme that ever could be invented. Genus HYDROCHELIDON, Boie. This genus, originally instituted by Boie (Isis 1822, p. 563) for H. nigra and H. leucoptera, H. hybrida being left by him with Sterna, was, indeed, principally based upon coloration; but it has since been well defined and generally accepted as including the Marsh- Terns-of which the most characteristic distinctions are the short rounded tail, and the long slender toes connected by deeply incised webs. There is a general resemblance between the species which compose this very natural genus, the members of which agree in their habits, being gregarious at the breeding-season, and making their nests in the midst of marsby places. For convenience of treatment I commence with HYDROCHELIDON HYBRIDA (Pall.). Sterna hybrida, Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-As. ii. p. 338 (1811); Schlegel, Mus. P.-B. Sternee, p. 33 (1863). Sterna leucopareia, Natterer, in Temm. Man. d'Orn. p. 746 (1820). Sterna javanica, Horsfield, Trans. Linn. S. xiii. p. 198 (1820) (type examined inE. I.Mus.,U.S.); Gray & Hardw. 111.Ind. Zool.i.pl.>0. fig. 1 (1832). Sterna grisea, Horsfield, Trans. L. S. xiii. p. 199 (1820) (type examined in E. I. Mus., II. S.). Viralva indica et V. leucopareia, Steph. in Shaw's Gen. Zool. xiii. p. 171 & 169 (1825). Sterna delamottei, Vieillot, Faun. Fr. p. 402(1828). Pelodes leucopareia, Kaup, Nat. Svst. p. 107 (1829). Sterna similis, Gray & Hardw. 111. Ind. Zool. i. pl. 70, fig. 2 (1832) (type examined in E. I. Mus., II. S.). Hydrochelidon fluviatilis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 140 ; Gould, B. Australia, vii. pl. 31 (1848). Hydrochelidon hybrida, G. R. Gray, Gen. B. iii. p. 660 (1846) ; Bias. J. f. Orn. 1866, p. 82; Degl. & Gerbe, Orn. Eur. ii. p. 408 (1867) ; Swinhoe, P.Z. S. 1871, p. 421 (Formosa). Hydrochelidon delalandii, Bp. Compt. Rend. xiii. (1856), p. 773 (type examined, H. S.). Hydrochelidon indica, Jerdon, B of India, iii. p. 837 (1864). hydrochelidon leucopareia, Gould, Handbook to B. Australia, ii. p. 406 (1865). |