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Show 14 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS FROM ST. LUCIA. [Jan. 4, appears to be referable to a new genus of Muiotiltidse. The following is a list of the species, with the local names as given by Mr. Semper :- 1. Thryothorus mesoleucus, sp. nov. Local name " Rossignol." 2. Leucopeza semperi, sp. et gen. nov. Local name, " Pied-blanc." 3. Setophaga ruticilla (Linn.). Local name, " Carrougette." 4. Progne dominicensis (Gm.). Local name, " White-breasted Swallow." 5. Euphonia flavifrons (Sparrm.). Local name, " Moisson a couleurs." 6. Phonipara bicolor (Linn.). Local name, " Grass-sparrow." 7. Mgialitis semipalmata (Bp.) Local name, " Becasse a collier." 8. Tringafuscicollis (Vieill.). Local name, "Becasse." I append descriptions of the two new species. THRYOTHORUS MESOLEUCUS, sp. nov. Supra terreno-brunneus, alis caudaque nigro transfasciatis, uropy-gii plumis laxis, albo sub apicem punctatis : subtus pure albus hypochondriis et crisso fulvis, hoc indistincte nigro maculato: rostro superiore corneo, inferiore albicante, pedibus fuscis : long, tota 4*0, alee 2*0, caudee 1*5, rostri a rictu *8. Hab. ins. St. Lucia Antillarum (Semper). Mus. P. L. S. 06s. Minor statura quam T. martinicensis, et rostro longiore tenuiore et magis incurvo: quoad colores abdomine albo satis diversus. LEUCOPEZA SEMPERT, gen. et sp. nov. (Plate II.) Leucopeza*, gen. nov. exfamilia Mniotiltidarum, ad Helmintherum, Helminthophagani et hujusmodi genera spectans, rostro fere simili, sed alis rotundatis, remige tertio et quarto longissimis, secundo quintum cequante, primo quam sextus paulo breviore distinguendum. Ptilosis fere unicolor, cineracea, immaculata. Pedes fortes. Tarsi elongati. Cauda paulum rotundata. LEUCOPEZA SEMPERI, sp. nov. (Plate II.) Cineraceus unicolor, dorso postico in olivaceum trahente, subtus pallidior, medialiter albescens, ventre medio fere pure albo : rostro corneo, pedibus albis: long, tota 5*7, alee 2*7, caudee 2*2, tarsi 0*9, rostri a rictu 0*8. Hab. ins. St. Lucia Antillarum (Semper). Mus. P. L. S. * Aevicbs, albus, et ne£a, pes-ex nomine vulgari " Pied-blanc." |