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Show 1876.] MESSRS. ADAMS AND ANGAS ON NEW LAND-SHELLS. 489 5£, rather convex, the last descending in front; aperture oblique, lunate ; peristome white, margins converging, united by a faint callus, right margin slightly sinuous, a little expanded and reflexed, columellar margin dilated above and a little excavated. Diam. maj. 25, min. 22, alt. 22 mill. Hab. Malanta Islands, Solomon Archipelago. This species differs from H. guadalcanar ensis, Cox, in being more conical, in the last whorl being less inflated, descending in front, and not angled at the periphery, and in the aperture being smaller, and the outer lip much less flattened and expanded, as well as by the absence of the black margin at the angle of reflexion behind the outer lip, and the purple spot on the columella, and in having the base broadly stained and zoned with chestnut. HELIX COMRIEI, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. figs. 4, 5.) Shell imperforate, conically semiglobose, rather solid, rugosely spirally grooved, and obliquely finely striated, opaque, whitish ; spire conoidal, obtuse; whorls 4\, rather convex, the last descending, subangulated at the periphery, somewhat flattened at the base, and a little excavated behind the aperture ; aperture diagonal, oval-oblong, pale brown within, peristome white, margins converging, united by a thin callus, right margin sinuous, rather expanded and reflexed ; columellar margin dilated and appressed. Diam. maj. 27, min. 21, alt. 20 mill. Hab. Shores of Huon Gulf, South-east New Guinea. This interesting species is allied to Helix brumeriensis, Forbes, but is rather smaller in size, and without the characteristic black lip of the latter. It was discovered by Dr. Comrie, of H.M.S. 'Basilisk,' after whom we have named it. In the same locality Dr. Comrie obtained several specimens of Helix brumeriensis, hitherto known only by the single specimen in the British Museum, collected by the late Mr. J. McGillivray at Brumer Island, during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Rattlesnake,' in August 1849. HELIX ROBILLARDI, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. figs. 6, 7.) Shell umbilicated, orbicularly subgiobose, rather solid, obliquely striated, whitish, with a pale brown shining epidermis, and ornamented with three very narrow dark brown bands, one being sutural ; spire depressedly conical, apex obtuse ; whorls 5, moderately convex, the last descending in front and somewhat flattened at the base ; umbilicus open, funnel-shaped ; aperture diagonal, truncately oval, pale brown within; peristome with margins approximating, united by a thin callus, the right margin slightly flexuous, expanded, and a little reflexed; the columellar margin thickened, reflexed, and dilated above. Diam. maj. 32, min. 27, alt. 20 mill. Hab. South-west Madagascar (Coll. Sir D. Barclay). HELIX FENERIFFENSIS, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. figs. 8, 9.) Shell narrowly umbilicated, depressedly trochiform, carinated, very |