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Show 606 REV. O. P. CAMBRIDGE ON EGYPTIAN SPIDERS. [June 20, middle row; these are more than double the size of those of the hinder row, and form very nearly as long a line as the latter. The sides of the cephalothorax are rather depressed ; a broad, longitudinal, brownish yellow band, radiating at the thoracic junction, occupies the middle ; and the lateral margins have a broken band of the same colour, the intermediate spaces forming two broad brown bands ; the ocular area is black-brown ; and the whole has a dense clothing of yellowish grey pubescence. The legs are rather short, though not very unequal in length, their relative length being apparently 4, 3, 1, 2 ; they are yellow, the femora banded with black-brown, and the femoral and base of the tibial joints slightly marked with a similar colour. The falces are brownish yellow, blackish near their base in front, and marked obliquely towards the extremities with a dusky brown band. The sternum is black-brown, with a broad, irregularly edged, yellow, longitudinal central band, which does not, however, reach the hinder extremity. The abdomen is dull blackish brown above, all the normal characteristic markings being much obscured ; the normal central marking on the fore part is bifid at its hinder extremity, and has an angular point, directed backwards, near the middle of each side; the hinder part has two nearly parallel longitudinal rows, each of three or four rather conspicuous pale spots, furnished with whitish hairs; and between them is an indistinct series of yellowish angular bars or chevrons ; the sides are marked with black-brown spots and broken lines, which are more thinly dispersed towards the underside, which is yellow, margined with black-brown, and divided by a longitudinal central dark brown bar. A single example was found under a stone near Alexandria. LYCOSA INQUIETA, sp. n. Adult male, length 2 lines. Cephalothorax, deep brown, with a broad, longitudinal, central brownish yellow band, tapering slightly from the eyes to the hinder extremity, and, together with the space included by the four large posterior eyes, covered thickly with yellowish grey hairs; there is also on each side a narrow yellowish lateral stripe, interrupted near the middle, and situated a little way above the margin; the clypeus is brownish yellow. The eyes of the middle row do not appear to be larger than those of the hinder one ; but the line formed by them is shorter than that formed by the latter, and also a little shorter than that formed by the laterals (on each side) of these two rows ; the centrals of the front row are larger than the laterals, and are much further apart from each other than each is from the lateral eye on its side. The legs are long, and tolerably strong ; their colour is dull yellowish, faintly annulated with dusky brown. The palpi are also dull yellowish in colour, the digital joint being brown ; the radial joint is rather larger and stronger than the |