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Show 1876.J MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW COLEOPTERA. 813 the . sutural .m.argin dentate in the same way as the preceding specles; pygld.lUm m~c~ more widely punctured, the interstices plane, and a httle shmmg. LeO's and tarsi of the same colour as the underside; claws fuscous. ~ Length 2i lines. Hah. Amazons. In my collection. Family EULMOLPIN..E. Genus CHALCOPHYMA, Baly. 12. CHALCOPHYMA STRIATUM, sp. nov. Sub quadrangular, rounded behind, cupreous or dark greenish; antennre, labrum, and tarsi light testaceous. Head very finely striate, the strire all running towards a depression in the middle of the head; forehead rather widely punctate, closer towards the lower portion of the face. Thorax widened in the middle, the lateral margin bidentate, impressed with very deep punctures, which are more crowded along the anterior margin, leaving an elevated space exactly in the middle of the base either perfectly smooth or with one or two impressions. Scutellum semiovate, impunctate and shining, Elytra either dark cupreous or greenish with a purple reflection round their edges each elytron with five or six elevated and interrupted ridges on its surface, the space between which is deeply punctured, the punctuation terminating in regular strire towards the apex. Body beneath black; the legs sometimes dark bluish, or copper-coloured.; posterior femora near their apex with a distinct triangular tooth. • .' .Length 2-2t lines. Bah. Amazons. In my collection. 13. CHALCOPHYMA TUBERCULATUM, sp. nov. Subquadrate, bronze-coloured. Head closely punctured, finely striate; antennre very slender, with the first six joints flavous, the rest fuscous. Thorax deeply rugose-punctate, as well as two large elevations on the middle of its disk; several smaller rugosities are situated near the sides, but are impunctate. Scutellum closely punctured. Elytra deeply rugose a.nd imp~essed with large 'punctures ~nd tra~sverse raised striae, beSIdes w\.uch each elytron IS also furmshed wlth a number of longitudinal short tubercules, which are sit';lat~d as follows viz. one on the shoulder, and a second below It In an obliqu~ direction, four at a little distance from the shoulder running down towards the apex; and two other rows closer towards the suture, running parallel with the last one. L.egs rather long for this genus, ferruginous, as well as the last abdommal segments. Length 2i lines. Hah. Cayenne. In my collection. |