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Show 434 PROF. P. M. DUNCAN ON DEEP-SEA [May 16, Genus A G E L E C Y A T H U S. There is no epitheca; the costse are well developed, especially near the calices ; the septa are more or less exsert. There are pali, a columella, and no endotheca. AGELECYATHUS HELENA, sp. n. (Plate XXXIX. figs. 4-6.) The corallum incrusts; and the corallites, united by a common base, are wide apart and short. The calices are elliptical or round, open and moderately deep. The columella is small, papillose, and deeply seated ; the septa are not crowded, but are stout, granular, and unequal. The primaries and some secondaries are exsert. The pali are long, thin, papillose, and are placed before the secondaries and the tertiaries. The costse are flat, unequal, extend to the base, and are granular. Diameter of calice -^ inch. Locality. On an Ostrea from St. Helena. The variation of the size and shape of the pali and septa on the same corallum is interesting. In some they are both broad and sharply granular laterally. Var. MINOR. A smaller series of corallites, and with all the specific attributes, is on the under valve of the same Ostrea. AGELECYATHUS PERSICUS, sp. n. (Plate XXXIX. figs. 1-3.) The corallites are united by stoloniferous expansions ; and some are distant, whilst others are close. The corallites are cylindrical, slightly narrower at the base, and tumid below the calice. The costse are distinct, wide, granular, unequal, and flat. The septa are unequal, the primaries being the shortest, and those of the higher cycle much smaller: but in some calices the septa are alternately large and small. Some calices have very wide septa, largely granular at the sides; others have them thinner; and all are short. There are three cycles, or some septa of the fourth may be present. The columella is small and papillose, and deep in the rather deep fossa. lhe pah are small, and either thick or papillose. They are placed before the tertiaries, and sometimes before the secondaries. The variability of the pali, and size of the septa, and the septal number is very remarkable in the same corallum. Expanse of corallum 1 to 2 square inches. Height of corallites /•> to f'd lnch- Breadth of calice JL to T\ inch. Locality. Dredged up out of Persian Gulf. Subfam. TURBINOLIACE^E. JAVANIA, gen. nov. The corallum is simple, tall, compressed at the calice, and adheres by a broad base. There is a complete epitheca, dense inferiorly, and pellicular superiorly. The larger septa are verv exsert; and the tertiaries have costse much broader than they are." The costse of the |