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Show 212 MR. H. DRUCE ON PERUVIAN BUTTERFLIES. [Feb. I, 2. C. PYROPINA, Salv. & Godm. (Callitara pi) Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, ii. f. 141 (1868). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. & D. Genus HET^ERA, Fab. 1. H. PIERA, Linn. (Pap. p.) Mus. Ulr. p. 220 (1764). Ucayali and Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. D. " This species I found commonly in the dense and moist parts of the forest on the Upper Ucayali, and in similar localities at Yurimaguas, but not so plentiful."-E. B. 2. H. HYP^SIA, Hew. Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, ii. p. 247, t. 23. (1854). Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. D. 3. H. MACLEANNANIA, Bates, Ent. Month. Mag. i. p. 180(1865). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. The specimens from Peru are much more highly coloured than the type. Genus PIERELLA, Westw. 1. P. HYCETA, Hew. Exot. Butt. ii. Hat. t. 1. f. 1 (1860). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. Nauta and Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. D. " Not common ; found in the darkest parts of the forest."-E. B. 2. P. DINDYMENE, Cram. (Pap. d.) Pap. Exot. iii. t. 198. f. F, (1780). Ucayali and Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. D. "Common in low moist parts of the dense forest."-E. B. 3. P. LAMIA, Sulz. Gesch. Ins. t. 18. f. 1 (1776). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. & D. 4. P. ASTYOCHE, Erichs. (Hat. a.) Schomb. Reisen, iii. p. 599 (1848). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. 5. P. LENA, Linn. (Pap. I.) Syst. Nat. i. 2. p. 784 (1767). Ucayali and Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. & D. " Very common."-E. B. 6. P. HORTONA, Hew. Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 2, ii. p. 246, t. 23. f. 1 (1854). v Ucayali, Huallaga, and Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. & D. " Very common."-E. B. Genus ANCHIPHLEBIA, Hiibn. A. TAYGETINA, Butl. Cat. Sat. B. M. p. 107, t. 5. f. 2 (1868). Ucayali (Bartlett). . Mus. S. G. " Rare ; found in the dense forest."-E. B. |