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Show 1876.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS TERACOLUS. 155 Callosune arethusa, Kirby, Syn. Cat. p. 504. n. 45 (1871). Pieris amytis, Godart, Enc. Meth. ix. p. 123. n. 14 (1819). Pieris erippe 2 > Godart, /. c. p. 122. n. 10 (1819). 3 2, Sierra Leone ; 3, Ashanti; S. Africa (E. C. Buxton). Dr. Boisduval attacks M . Godart for considering this the female of T. evippe, Linnaeus ; it is, however, not improbable that it is only a variety of that species, inasmuch as it chiefly differs from it in the possession of a black dot at the end of the discoidal cell; it certainly is the female of the A. evippe of Boisduval; the female described by the latter author is not even nearly related to this species, but is probably identical with, or nearly allied to, T. gavisa. 97. TERACOLUS CEBRENE (1 = T. arethusa, var.). Anthocharis cebrene, Boisduval, Sp. Gen. Lep. i. p. 583. n. 36 (1836). Callosune cebrene, Kirby, Syn. Cat. p. 504. n. 47 (1871). Papilio arethusa, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 210. figs. E, F (1782). Sierra Leone. One of our female examples of T. arethusa is intermediate between the figures of Drury and Cramer. 98. TERACOLUS EVIPPE. o* . Papilio evippe,Linnaeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 239 (1764); Clerck, Icones, pl. 40. fig. 5 (1764). Pieris evippe, Godart, Enc. Me'th. ix. p. 122. n. 10 (1819). Anthocharis evippe, Lucas, Lep. Exot. pl. 37. fig. 1 (1835) ; Boisduval (part), Sp. Gen. Lep. i. p. 573. n. 20 (1836). 3 2 y Sierra Leone (Foxcroft). B.M. This is probably the rarer form of T. arethusa ; the males of the two forms are almost identical. 9. Wings white, the primaries of the male, and generally of the female, with broad carmine apical area ; underside with a well-marked discal series of subocellate spots. 99. TERACOLUS CINERESCENS. Teracolus cinerescens, Butler, Cist. Ent. i. p. 172. n. 53 (1873). Anthocharis danae, Trimen (nee Fabr.), Rhop. Afr. Austr. i. p. 44. n. 27 (1862) ; Hewitson, Gen. Diurn. Lep. pl. 7. fig. 3 (1847). o* 2, Natal, S. Africa (E. C. Buxton) ; Caffraria. B.M. Var. Anthocharis danae, Wallengren (nee Fabr.), Lep. Rhop. Caffr. o* 2, S. Africa (E. C. Buxton). B.M. This variety has the basal area of the male less strongly suffused with grey, and the under surface of the secondaries of a creamy colour. 100. TERACOLUS EUPOMPE. 3 2 . Pontia eupompe, Klug, Symb. Phys.pl. 6. figs. 11-14(1829). |