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Show xm Page Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in March 1876. (Plate X X V . ) 332 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in April 1876, and remarks on the Cassowaries in the Society's Collection. (Plate X X X V . ) 413 Extracts from several letters addressed to him by Dr. G. Bennett, F.Z.S., referring to the proceedings of Mr. L. M. D'Albertis, C.M.Z.S 414 Exhibition of a rare Pacific Parrot, Coriphilus kuhli, and remarks on its habitat 421 On the Birds collected by Dr. Comrie on the South-east Coast of N e w Guinea during the Survey of H.M.S. ' Basilisk.' (Plates XLII. & XLIII.) 459 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in M ay 1876, and list of Indian animals deposited by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 462 Exhibition of Land-Crabs from Ascension Island, presented by Dr. S. B. Drew 4*64 Exhibition of, and remarks on, the skins of a male and female Pheasant (Lobiophasis bulweri). (Plate XLIV.) .. 465 Exhibition of a drawing of a Fruit-Pigeon living in the Society's Gardens 519 Exhibition of a collection of birds received from Signor L. M . D'Albertis, and descriptions of two new Parrots. (Plate LIV.) 519 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in June, July, August, and September 1876. (Plates LXVI.-LXVIII.) 693 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in October 1876 751 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a skin of a young Rhinoceros from the Sunderbunds 751 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in November 1876 775 |