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Show 408 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON [Apr. 4, ' Iconographie' (tab. vi.), the whole abdomen is white, sparingly striped with narrow blackish markings, and the bill is narrower and much less elevated than in this species. Merganetta armata, of which an excellent figure will be found in Gray and Mitchell's ' Genera of Birds,' resembles the present bird in having a black breast; but the edges of the scapularies are white instead of rufous, and the throat and fore neck are black, instead of being pure white as in its two northern allies. It would seem, therefore, that this species occupies an intermediate position as regards the differential characters of the male, just as it does in geographical range, between the two known species. As regards the female, our specimen does not appear to differ in colour from the corresponding sex of Merganetta armata (Des Murs, Icon. t. xlviii.). 3. MERGANETTA LEUCOGENYS. Anas leucogenys, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1843, p. 390. Erismatura leucogenys, Tsch. Faun. Peru. p. 311, t. xxxvi. Merganetta leucogenys, Scl. & Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 200 ; P. Z. S. 1869, p. 601, et 1874, p. 679, et Nomencl. p. 131 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 554. Merganetta columbiana, Des Murs, Rev. Zool. 1845, p. 179, et Icon. Orn. t. 6; Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 164 (Bogota). Supra cinerea, dorsi plumis nigris rufescente utrinque marginatis uropygio fasciolis minutis albis nigrisque variegato; capite colloque toto albis, linea cir cum rostrum, pileo medio in strigam nuchalem producto et linea ab oculis ad collum imum utrinque descendente nigerrimis ; alis carulescenti-schistaceis, tectricibus et secundariis albo anguste marginatis ; speculo atari aneo-viridi ; abdomine albo obsolete nigro striolato ; rostri flavi nigricante, pedibus rubellis : long, tota 12*5, ala 6*cauda 4*5, rostri a rictu 1*4, tarsi 1*5. Fern, supra cinerea, dorso nigro flammulato; genis, cervicis lateribus et corpore inferiore fulvo rufis unicoloribus : long, iota \5'5,ala 5*3, 4, tarsi 1*5, rostri a rictu 1*4. Hab. Columbian Andes near Bogota (Goudot) ; Quindiu range (Salmon); Ecuador (Mus. S.-G.) ; Central Peru (Tschudi et Jelski). This Merganetta was originally discovered by Goudot, a well-known French collector, in the neighbourhood of Bogota. There is a skin in Salvin and Godman's collection from Ecuador ; and Tschudi and Jelski obtained it in Central Peru. Subfamily VII. MERGING. Genus MERGUS. Type. Mergus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 207 (1766) M. cucullatus. Lophodytes, Reich. Av. Syst. Nat. p.ix.(1852) M. cucullatus. Besides the Hooded Merganser, which occasionally intrudes from the north, one peculiar endemic species of this group is found in the Neotropical region. |