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Show 722 MR. G. E. DOBSON ON THE MOLOSSI. [Nov. Dysopes tenuis, Temminck, I. c. p. 228. Nyctinomus plicatus, Jerdon, Mammals of India, p. 33 (1867); Dobson, J. A. S.B. 1874, p. 143; Monogr. Asiat. Chiropt. p. 182 (1876). About the'same size as N. agyptiacus; but the ears are united by a low band in front, which forms an obtuse, slightly elevated, angular projection on the muzzle, and the tragus is very small, quadrate, the superior margin slightly concave, the outer margin with a small projection at the base ; margin of the ear-conch evenly and broadly rounded off above; antitragus half oval, separated posteriorly by a deep notch. Upper lip very thick, deeply grooved by vertical wrinkles. Wing-membrane from the lower end of the tibia. Fur very dense and soft; above bluish-black or smoke-black, beneath somewhat paler. First upper premolar small, in the space between the canine and second premolar. Length (of an adult d): head and body 2"*9 ; tail l"-7, tail free from membrane 1"*1; head 1"*0; ear 0"*9, tragus 0"*lx0"*03- forearm l"-95; second finger 3''*9 ; fourth finger 1"*7; tibia 0"/ ; foot and claws 0"*35. Hab. Peninsula of India (Calcutta, Ludiana, Agra, Madras) ; Sumatra; Java; Borneo ; Malay peninsula (Singapore) ; Philippine Islands. 6. NYCTINOMUS BIVITTATUS. Nyctinomus bivittatus, Heuglin, Nova Acta Ac. Leop.-Car. 1861, Ears conjoined by a low band, very slightly raised above the muzzle; tragus very small, quadrate; upper lip grooved by vertical wrinkles. Base of the thumb with a remarkably large circular callous pad. Wings from the middle of the tibiae. Fur above umber-brown ; the extremities of the hairs conspicuously tipped with grey, especially on the top of the head, where either side is streaked with grey, and on the shoulders and middle of the back spotted over with the same colour ; beneath similar but paler Distribution of the fur and dentition as in N. plicatus. Length (of the type specimen, an adult rf): head and body 2"7 tail 1 *6; tail free from membrane 1"15; head 1"0- ear'0"*8 tragus 0"*1; forearm 1"*9 ; t h u m b Q,,.35 . s e c o n d V , fourth finger 1"*8; tibia 0"*6; foot and claws 0"*4 c, HJb' ?J" Af"Ca (B°S°S Laud)- T?Pe in the collection of the otuttgart Museum. This species is very closely allied to N. plicatus, of which it may be considered the African representative. 7. NYCTINOMUS BRACHYPTERUS. p. ff^s es^mch^tents' Peters> R«se nach Mossambique, Saugeth. Ears much shorter than the head, conjoined by a deep band |