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Show 1876.] MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON BOLIVIAN BIRDS. 253 and much lamented Commodore Goodenough, who met his death whilst out with Messrs. Perry and Corrie on an entomological excursion. Family PAPILIONID^E. Genus B E L E N O I S , Hiibner. 10. B E L E N O I S NISEIA, McLeay (one male). Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. The single example sent differs a little from the Australian type, inasmuch as it resembles B. clytie 3 on the upperside ; but, without seeing more specimens, it would be unsafe to consider it a distinct species. 7. Descriptions of new Birds obtained by Mr. C. Buckley in Bolivia. By P. L. S C L A T E R , M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., and OSBERT SALVIN, M.A., F.R.S. [Received January 14, 1876.] A collection of bird-skins formed by Mr. C. Buckley during his recent expedition into Bolivia, at several localities on the eastern slope of the main chain of the Andes, contains about 250 specimens, referable to 133 species. As a second collection is shortly expected from Mr. Buckley, we reserve a full account of the first one until the series is complete, and for the present only give descriptions of the new species which it contains. These are : - 1. DIGLOSSA GLAUCA, sp. nov. Ex cinereo carulescens fere unicolor ; alis caudaque nigris caruleo limbatis: subtus obscurior, remigum marginibus internis cinereis : rostro corneo, mandibula inferiore ad basin alba, pedibus nigris: long, tota 4*0, ala 2*3, cauda 1*6. Hab. Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Mus. S.-G. Of this new Diglossa Mr. Buckley sends but one specimen. It is a small species belonging to the "homochroous" section of Sclater's arrangement (Ibis, 1875, p. 207), and may be best placed between D. plumbea and D. personata. From the latter it is distinguishable by its much inferior size, from the former by its colour. 2. BUARREMON MELANOPS, sp. nov. Buarremon rufinucha, Sclater, Cat. A. B. p. 91 fnec Lafr. et D'Orb.). Supra niger ; pileo cum nucha castaneo ; lateribus capitis et mento summo nigris : subtus flavus, hypochrondriis et crisso in olivaceum transeuntibus: rostro nigro, pedibus obscure cornels: long. tota 6*0, ala 2*7, cauda 2*6. Hab. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Mus. S.-G. et P.L. S. |