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Show 1876.] MR. G. B. SOWERBY ON NEW SHELLS. 753 fasciis castaneo-fusco longitudinaliter strigatis, aliter lineis aurantiacis eximie trigono-reliculata; spira pyramidali, anfractibus leviter spiraliter sulcatis; apertura angusta, alba. Long. 60, lat. maj. 20 mill.; spira alt. 19 mill., apertura lat. maj. 5, min. 2 mill. Hab. Mauritius. Shell elongated, rather solid, obsoletely striated, very obtusely angulated behind, and gracefully attenuated to the front, whitish, with broad interrupted bands of orange, longitudinally streaked with chestnut-brown, intersected by an exquisite network composed of triangular orange lines; spire pyramidal, whorls faintly spirally grooved; aperture narrow, white. This beautiful species, belonging to the interesting collection of the Marchioness Paulucci, of Florence, forms a striking addition to the subgenus Cylinder, or " textile " group of Cones. In general form it resembles C. gloria-maris ; but it differs from that valuable species in the formation of the spire, the whorls being much less concave and the angle of the body-whorl more rounded. In colour and marking it closely resembles C. aureus; but it is of a much more tapering form than that species, and its surface is much smoother. CONUS SUPERSCRIPTUS, sp. nov. (Plate LXXV. fig. 4.) C. testa oblonga, solidiuscula, angulata, turgidula, lavi, antice valide sulcata, albida caruleo tincta, maculis grandibus fulvis irregulariter ornata, fasciis frequentibus angustis maculatis quasi literatis cincta ; spira abbreviata, fulvo strigata, anfractibus concaviusculis, spiraliter sulcatis; apice acuto, roseo; apertura subangusta, fauce purpureo-fusco tincta. Long. 27, lat. 14 mill., apert. lat. maj. 4, min. 2 mill. Hab. Madagascar. Shell oblong, rather solid, angular, somewhat swollen, smooth, strongly grooved in front, whitish tinged with blue, irregularly ornamented with large yellowish blotches, and encircled with numerous narrow bands composed of letter-like spots; spire short, marked with radiating stripes of the same tawny colour as the spots on the body-whorl, whorls rather concave, spirally grooved ; apex acute, rose-coloured ; aperture rather narrow, interior tinged with purplish brown. This shell also belongs to the Marchioness Paulucci, and is the only specimen I have seen. Though of simple form, it is quite distinct from any hitherto known species. Its bluish tinge of colour and delicate letter-like markings are remarkable. CONUS BACCATUS, sp. nov. (Plate LXXV. fig. 5.) C. testa abbreviato-lurbinata, turgidula, minutissime decussata, conspicue seriatim granulata, albida, maculis aurantiacis grandibus trifasciata; spira acuta, brevi; anfractibus concavis, fere lavibus, ultimo biangulato. Long. 23, lat. maj. 15 mill. Shell short, rather swollen, very minutely decussated, with regular rows of conspicuous granules, whitish, with large orange blotches |