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Show 1876.] MR. E. A. LIARDET ON FIJIAN LAND-SHELLS. 101 versely ribbed, last whorl acutely carinated; beneath slightly convex striae radiating from the perforation; aperture oblique and triangular. Hab. Taviuni, Fiji. A scarce shell. (Coll. Liardet.) 7- HELIX CLAYI, sp. nov. (Plate V. fig. 7.) Shell minute, turbinate, minutely perforate, of a golden horny colour; spire obtuse ; whorls 5, convex, last slightly carinate, very finely, closely, and regularly striated; beneath smooth and shining ; aperture oblique, roundly lunate. Hab. Taviuni, Fiji. (Coll. Liardet.) 8. LAMELLARIA PERFORATA, sp. nov. (Plate V. figs. 8, 8 a.) Shell small, acute, polished, dark brown colour; epidermis thin ; whorls 5|, convex, spirally striate, with a white apertural lamina; aperture oblique, pyriform ; columellar lip white, projecting from the base of the shell, expanding slightly over region of umbilicus ; outer lip impressed and of a deep purple tint. This shell is found embedded in the bark of dead logs. Note.-The animal has the tips of the eye-pedicels bulbous. Hab. Taviuni, Fiji. (Coll. Liardet.) 9. DIPLOMMATINA TAVIENSIS, sp. nov. (Plate V. figs. 9, 9 a.) Shell with the penultimate whorl contracted in front, leaving the previous one and lip of the aperture joining regularly costated; lip double ; aperture circular and entire. Animal with two tentacles, short and cylindrical, with an active arched motion, as in Helicina. Eyes situated at the base of tentacles inside. Hab. Taviuni, Fiji. (Coll. Liardet.) 10. LAGOCHEILUS HISPIDUS, sp. nov. (Plate V. figs. 10, 10 a.) Shell small, bulimiform, hispid, of a brown colour ; whorls 5|, spirally costate; aperture circular. Very rare. Hab. Gamia, Fiji. (Coll. Liardet.) 11. OMPHALATROPIS VITIENSIS, sp. n. (Plate V. figs. 11, 11 a.) Sheil bulimiform, acute ; colour brown or yellow ; whorls 5, last convex, with a keel round the base of the shell encircling the umbilicus, and terminating in a tongue-shaped process at the base of the aperture; epidermis thin ; aperture pyriform ; lip thickened. Hab. Islets off Taviuni, Fiji. (Coll. Liardet.) EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Fig. 1, la, b. Nanina? taviuniensis. 2, 2a. Nanina vitrinina. 3, Nanina ramsayi. 4, 4a. Helix pr inc ei. 5, ba. Helix pinnocki. 6. Helix barkasi. Fig. 7. Helix clayi. 8, 8a. Lamellaria perforata. 9, 9a. Biplommatina taviuniensis. 10, 10a. Lagocheilus hispidus. 11, 11a. Omphalotropis vitiensis. |