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Show 182 MR. F. J. BELL ON MOSCHUS MOSCHIFERUS. [Feb. 1, 2. Notes on the Myology of the Limbs of Moschus moschiferus. By F. J E F F R E Y B E L L , Exhibitioner of Magdalen College, Oxford. Communicated by Prof. F L O W E R, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. [Received December 31, 1875.] By the kindness of Prof. Flower, I have been enabled to dissect the muscles of the fore and hind limbs of Moschus moschiferus, an animal which has been lately made the subject of a monograph by Prof. Flower, presented by him to the Society (P. Z. S. March 16th, 1875). The interest of any new facts that can be brought forward concerning this Deer will be evident to all who heard or have read his paper. In examining the myology of the limbs, I have dissected the corresponding parts in Cervus virginianus (kindly sent m e by Mr. A. H. Garrod), Tragulus, sp. ? (from the store-room of the Royal College of Surgeons/>f London), and a common Sheep. I have also been able to make comparisons with the myology of the same parts in Hyomoschus, thanks to a paper published by M . Chatin in the ' Annales des Sciences Naturelles' *. Unfortunately, both in the copy of Cuvier's c Planches de Myolo-gie ' which I saw through the kindness of Mr. Garrod, and in that belonging to the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons, there were no plates of the muscles of a sheep, ox, or deer; but a full description of those of the first two can be found in Chauveau's' Comparative Anatomy of Domesticated Animals,' which is now easily accessible; and for this reason I have thought it unnecessary to describe, at any length, such muscles as offer no important variations from what we find in the Sheep; in the same text-book will also be found all the more common synonyms of the muscles-a most necessary assistance to myologists in the present confused state of nomenclature. In the hind limb ofMoschus, asitcame into m y hands, the femur was removed. The muscles of the humerus are not described in this paper; but the more striking differences are only found in the arrangement of those muscles which send tendons to the digits. o I. Fore limb. A. Muscles inserted into the metacarpus. a. Anterior face. (1) Extensor metacarpi anterior. (2) „ „ obliquus. In the arrangement of these muscles there was no important variation from that which obtains in the same parts in the sheep and deer dissected. * " Observations sur la Myologie de YHyomoschus," loc. cit. 5e ser. Zoologie et Paleontologie, torn. xv. (1872). |