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Show 230 MR. H. DRUCE ON PERUVIAN BUTTERFLIES. [Feb. 1, 2. T. NORICA, Hew. Exot. Butt. i. Tim. t. 1. f. 3, 4 (1852). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. & D. 3. T. EGINA, Bates, Journ. Ent. ii. p. 329, t. 10. f. 1 (1865). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. D. 4. T. TUTELINA, Hew. Exot. Butt. i. Tim. t. 1. f. 5 (1852). Santa Cruz (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. D. 5. T. LIVIUS, Kirb. (T. berania, Hew.) Exot. Butt. i. t. 1. (1852); Staud. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. 1875, p. 104. Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. 6. T. CRETHON, Fabr. (Pap. c.) Gen. Ins. p. 252 (1777). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. D. Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. 7. T. CORINNA, Latr. (Van. ci) Humb. Bonpl. Obs. Zool. ii. t. 36. f. 5, 6 (1819). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. Huiro, valley of Santana (H. Whitely). Mus. D. 8. T. MARCELLA, Feld. Wien. ent. Mon. v. p. 108 (1861). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. 9. T. HERMIONE, Feld. /. c. p. 97. Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. S. G. & D. " One or other species of this genus was to be found in nearly all the localities I visited, on the mud-banks of the rivers and streams, feeding upon decayed fruit" &c.-E. B. Genus VICTORINA, Blanch. 1. V. STENELES, Linn. (Pap. s.) Mus. Ulr. p. 218 (1764). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. 2. V. EPAPHUS, Latr. (Van. e.) Humb. & Bonpl. Obs. Zool. ii. p. 74, t. 35. f. 3,4 (1811-19). Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely) ; Yurimaguas (Bartlett). Mus. D. Pozzuzo (Pearce). Miis. S. G. " Found on the mud-banks."-E. B. 3. V. SULPITIA, Cram. (Pap. s.) Pap. Exot. iv. t. 328, f. A, (1782). Pozzuzo (Pearce); valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. Nauta (Bartlett). Mus. D. " Found about the footpaths of the forest on the leaves of bushes" &c.-E. B. |