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Show 1876.] ON BUTTERFLIES FROM THE NEW HEBRIDES. 251 6. On a small Collection of Butterflies from the New Hebrides. By A R T H U R G. BUTLER, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. [Received January 12, 1876.] The following species have recently been received from Alfred Corrie, Esq., Surgeon to H.M.S. 'Pearl.' Family NYMPHALID^E. Genus CALLIPLOEA, Butler. 1. CALLIPLO3*A GRAEFFIANA, Herrich-Schaffer (two males). Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. Dr. Herrich-Schaffer figures the female of this Butterfly, and remarks;-"Herr Hewitson erklart sie fiir E. hisme, Boisd., welche identisch mit E. eunice sein soil." The collection of the British Museum contains both C. hisme and C. eunice; they are quite distinct from one another and from C.yraeffiana ; the latter, indeed, occupies an intermediate position between C. eunice and C. iphianassa, from both of which it differs in the pale external area of the wings. The male has a well-defined subcostal spot in primaries (as in C. iphianassa), and six well-defined discal spots, all white ; a small oval lilac spot on interno-median area; secondaries with the usual whity brown subcostal patch ; two obliquely placed subapical white spots, and four pale-brown discal spots. Expanse of wings 3 inches. This species is new to the Museum collection. Genus DANAIS, Latreille. 2. D A N A I S M O D E R A T A , Butler (two males). Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. The two specimens sent by Mr. Corrie agree in every respect with the type, thus establishing its constancy. Genus DOLESCHALLIA, Felder. 3. D O L E S C H A L L I A M O N T R O U Z I E R I , Butler (two males). Espirito Santo, Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. Rather larger than the type, but in other respects similar. Genus JUNONIA, Hiibner. 4. JUNONIA VILLIDA, Fabricius (one female). Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. Genus DIADEMA, Boisduval. 5. D I A D E M A N E R I N A , Fabricius (four males and two females). Havannah Harbour, Vate or Sandwich Island. This species has hitherto been known only from Australia, Woodlark Island, and Java. One of Mr. Cowrie's females is a curious |