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Show 1876.] MR. H. DRUCE ON PERUVIAN BUTTERFLIES. 249 from the costal margin to the inner margin by a band of six small yellow spots; a yellow spot at the end of the cell; posterior wing crossed in the middle by a narrow band from the costal margin to near the anal angle. Underside brown ; anterior wing with the base blackish, the spots as above, but larger, some of them running together ; posterior wing crossed by a wide white band. Exp. 1| inch. Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. D. Allied to C. xanthaphes, Hiibn., but very distinct. Genus PYRGUS, Hiibn. 1. P. OMRINA, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1870, p. 509. Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. Peru. Type, Mus. D. 2. P. THESTIA, Hew. (Leucoch. t.) Equat. Lep. p. 77 (1870). Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. & D. 3. P. SYRECHTUS, Fab. (Pap. s.) Syst. Ent. p. 534 (1775). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. D. Geuus BRONTIADES, Hiibn. B. PROCAS, Cram. (Pap. p.) Pap. Exot. ii. t. 179. f. D (1779). Ucayali (Bartlett). Mus. D. Genus CARTEROCEPHALUS, Butl. 1. C. DIMIDIATUS, Feld. Reise Nov. Lep. iii. p. 522, t. 74. f. 7, 8 (1867). Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. & D. 2. C. AGATHOCLES, Feld. I. c. f. 16, 17. Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. This species varies very much. A specimen in my collection is almost without the orange bands of the posterior wing. Genus ACHYLODES, Hiibn. 1. A. THRASO, Hiibn. Samml. exot. Schmett. (1806-1816). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. 2. A. , sp. ? Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. 3. A. BUSIRUS, Cram. (Pap. b.) Pap. Exot. iii. t. 261. f. A-C (1782). Pozzuzo (Pearce). Mus. S. G. Nauta (Bartlett). Mus. D. 4. A. CORBULO, Cram. (Pap. c.) Pap. Exot. iv. t. 354. f. A (1782). Valley of Cosnipata (H. Whitely). Mus. S. G. |