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Show 1876.] MR. F. DAY ON THE FISHES OF YARKAND. 785 Dr. Scully collected four specimens in Kashgar (4043 feet the sea), which are 13, 16, 17, and 18 inches respectively in length. Of specimens from the Yarkand collection which have'found their way into the British Museum, one is 14 inches long, from Kashgar; the other 16 inches, from Yarkand. 3. SCHIZOTHORAX PUNCTATUS, sp. nov. B. iv., D. -8, P. 20, V. 11, A. \, C. 20. Length of head 3f to 4, of caudal 5|, height of body 6 to 7 in the total length. Eyes, diameter 6§ in the length of head, 2| diameters from end of snout, and 2 apart. Interorbital space flat. The greatest width of the head exceeds its height by one fourth, and is f of its length. Mouth anterior, with the upper jaw somewhat the longer ; the cleft commencing opposite the middle of the eyes, whilst the maxilla reaches to below the front edge of the orbit. Lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A thin striated horny covering to the lower jaw. Barbels: the maxillary ones equal the diameter of the eye ; the rostral ones are slightly longer. Fins: dorsal rather higher than the body; it commences midway between the front edge of the eye and the base of the caudal fin; its last undivided ray is strong, coarsely serrated posteriorly, and as long as the postorbital portion of the head. Pectoral does not quite reach the ventral, which latter arises on a vertical line below the first articulated dorsal ray, and extends two thirds of the distance to the anal. Anal rather above twice as deep as its base is long; when laid flat it does not extend to the commencement of the caudal. Free portion of the tail one half longer than deep at its highest part. Scales : those along the lateral line larger than those above or below it. The tiled row along the base of the anal fin small, and equalling one third of the diameter of the orbit. Colours: silvery, covered with largish black spots. Racoma nobilis, M'Clelland, has more fleshy lips, whilst the mouth appears more transverse, as in Oreinus, and the under jaw much the shorter. Hab. Cashmere Lake. 4. SCHIZOTHORAX ESOCINUS. Schizothorax esocinus, Heckel, Fische Kasch. p. 48, t. M'Clelland, Calc. Journ. Nat. Hist. ii. p. 579 ; Gunther, Cat. vii. p. 166. B.iv., D.f, P. 20, V. 10, A. 7, C. 20. Length of head 4\ to 4\, of caudal 5|, height of body 7\ in the total length. Eyes : diameter 6\ in the length of head, 2 diameters from end of snout and also apart. Interorbital space flat. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its postorbital length. Mouth very slightly oblique, horseshoe-shaped; the maxilla reaching to nearly below the front edge of the eye. Lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A horny covering to inside of lower jaw. |