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Show *814 MR. M. JACOBY ON NEW GOLEOPTERA. [Dec. 5, 14. CHALCOPHYMA RETICULATUM, sp. nov. Subquadrate, rounded behind, dark purplish or violet; head marked exactly in the same way as in C. striata ; antennae flavous ; thorax of the same shape as in the preceding species, deeply and closely punctate, the intervals between the punctures raised and forming a network in a longitudinal direction ; towards the sides are some deeper and larger impressions; scutellum smooth, shining ; elytra with a number of indistinct elevated costae, between which the space is deeply punctate and rugose. Legs red brown. Length 2\ lines. Hab. Amazons. This species is sufficiently distinguished from C. striata by the reticulate sculpture of the thorax, and the much more numerous costae on the elytra, which are only now and then interrupted, but extend in two or three instances through the entire length of the elytra. Genus TYPOPHORUS, Erichson. 15. T Y P O P H O R U S MEXICANUS, sp. nov. Ovate, convex, above violet-blue, beneath black with a green tinge. Head reddish brown, finely and sparingly punctured, with a distinct triangular groove at its lower half, and a deep curved depression above each eye ; jaws dark brown; antennae more than half the length of the body, with the first three or four joints reddish, the rest black, covered with whitish pubescence. Thorax of the same colour as the head, with the posterior and lateral margin evenly rounded, the anterior widened in the middle, impressed in the same way as the head, with minute punctures only visible under a strong lens ; scutellum broader than long, impunctate. Elytra of about double the length of the thorax, with their sides nearly parallel, violet-blue, impressed with ten rows of punctures, which diminish a little in size towards the apex; below the shoulder is a short transverse depression, usually to be found amongst this genus. Legs and tarsi coloured as the underside. Length 2\ lines. Collected by Mr. O. Salvin at Guatemala. In my collection. 16. TYPOPHORUS MELANOCEPHALUS, sp. nov. Ovate, moderately convex, metallic green or blue. Head greenish black, strongly and closely punctured ; antennae long and slender, with the first five or six joints fulvous, the rest dark brown. Thorax red, a little more strongly punctured than in T. mexicanus; otherwise of same shape ; the middle of the anterior margin is marked with a short greenish patch which seems to be a continuation of the coloration of the head. Elytra very strongly punctate-striate, with the usual transverse depression below the shoulder. Underside and legs black. Length 3 lines. Hab. Mexico. |