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Show 1876.] T H E S E C R E T A R Y O N ADDITIONS T O T H E M E N A G E R I E . 463 2. A n example of the White-backed Trumpeter (Psophia leucoptera), presented M a y 20, by Mr. H. Stacy Marks, A.R.A., F.Z.S. This bird, which has been in the Society's Gardens on deposit since October last, has not been previously exhibited in the Collection. 3. A pair of Curassows (apparently Crax viridirostris, mihi, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 282), from Cartagena, purchased May 31st. Of these birds I shall have something to say in a paper containing additions to m y memoir on the Curassows living in the Society's Gardens, which I have in preparation. 4. A mother and three young of the Indian Fawn-coloured Field-mouse, Mus cervicolor, Hodgson (Jerdon, M a m m . of India, p. 206), presented by Lieut. Col. C. S. Sturt, C.M.Z.S., and received May 31st. Col. Sturt writes me that he captured the mother, when shooting hares near Rajcote, with the three young ones hanging to her teats. The species is common in Kattiawar, inhabiting the hedgerows and fields. 5. A Blue or Soft-billed Duck (Hymenolamus malacorhynchus), from New Zealand, presented by the Acclimatization Society of Otago, and received May 31st. This bird unfortunately arrived in an exhausted state, and died very shortly. It is the first example of this curious species that has reached us. I have also to call attention to the collection of Indian animals made by the Prince of Wales during his recent tour in India, which His Royal Highness has been pleased to deposit in our Gardens for exhibition. This collection consists of the following animals:- I. MAMMALS. 2 Green Monkeys (Cercopithecus callitrichus). 2 Rhesus Monkeys (Macacus erythraus). 5 Tigers (Felis tigris). 7 Leopards (Felis pardus). 1 Cheetah (Felis jubata). 1 Viverrine Cat (Felis viverrina). 1 Indian Civet (Viverricula indica). 4 Tailless Dogs (Canis familiaris, var.). 3 Tibetan Mastiffs (Canis familiaris, var.). 2 White Dogs (Canis familiaris, var.). 2 Indian Wild Dogs (Canis primavus). 1 Himalayan Bear (Ursus tibetanus). 1 Sloth Bear (Melursus labiatus). 4 Indian Elephants (Elephas indicus). 6 Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries). 2 Thar Goats (Capra jemlaica). 4 Shawl-Goats (Capra hircus, var.). 8 Indian Antelopes (Antilope cervicapra). 2 Zebus (Bos indicus). 2 Spotted Porcine Deer (Cervus minor). 3 Axis Deer (Cervus axis). 2 Musk-Deer (Moschus moschiferus). 65 31* |