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Show 1876.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON l'HE GENUS TERACOLUS. 139 and brighter colour, the costa of primaries, base, and abdominal area of secondaries much less strongly suffused with grey ; the black discocellular spot of primaries more conical in shape ; the outer blackish border terminating abruptly upon the first median branch, the margin alone being black ; the black spot on interno-median area smaller and not connected with the outer border ; six discal spots of the groundcolour running in a curved series through the centre of the border, the first four large, placed in pairs, the last two small and well separated; six submarginal smaller spots, the two at apex elongated ; secondaries with five large diamond-shaped brown spots at the end of the nervures, the upper three united iuto an apical marginal band; the last of these spots ill-defined on a grey ground at end of second median branch ; the first median and internal nervures also terminate in diamond-shaped grey spots ; three small black spots on the disk, above the median nervures ; costal area, excepting at apex, broadly black : wings below nearly as in T. dynamene, but clearer in colour, with a suffused orange patch over the median nervure. Expanse of wings I inch 5 lines. Mynpuri, N . W . Punjab. Type, coll. F. Moore. 43. TERACOLUS CALAIS. Papilio calais, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 53. figs, c, D (1779). ldmais calais, Trimen, Rhop. Afr. Austr. p. 61. n. 40 (1862). Congo (Curror). B.M. This species is of the size and form of T. amata, but can readily be distinguished by the orange patch below, which is more strongly developed than in any other species; the female has the disk and external spots of the primaries and the whole of the ground-colour of secondaries whitish. Cramer confounded the African species with the insect from Coromandel, which he figured under the same name in his fourth volume. 8. Wings white or sulphur-yellow, spotted or banded above with black or grey, the apex of primaries invariably orange in the males, generally black in the females with a central orange, yellow, or white macular band; this band, however, is occasionally absent, leaving the apex wholly black. Callosune, Doubleday. 8 a. Orange apical patch of the male without an internal black edge, interrupted internally on second median interspace by a transverse black spot. Typical form, T. interruptus. 44. TERACOLUS SUBFUMOSUS, n. sp. (Plate VI. fig. 3.) 3. Very like T. interruptus, but with no internal blackish streak on the primaries, with the black outer border of the orange patch narrower, the inner spot small; the inferior extremity of the orange patch not enclosed by a black expansion of the border; secondaries with the marginal spots small: primaries below white, the apical area clay-coloured speckled with grey and bordered internally by a dull orange diffused streak ; secondaries pale buff, densely irrorated |