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Show 1876.] MR. F. DAY O N THE FISHES OF YARKAND. 787 Jellalabad, and Tarnuck river. He sent three specimens East-India Museum. 6. SCHIZOTHORAX MICROCEPHALUS, sp. nov. B.iv.,D. §, P. 18, V. 11, A. I C. 18, L. 1. 105, L. t. 25/. Length of head 5 to 5± of caudal 6, height of body 5f to 6 in the total length. Eyes : diameter 7 in the length of head, 2\ diameters from end of snout, and 2\ apart. Interorbital space flat. The greatest width of the head equals its length behind the middle of the eyes; its height equals its length excluding the snout. Mouth broad, anterior, with the upper jaw the longer, and overhung by the snout ; the cleft of the mouth nearly horizontal, it extends to below the hind nostril, and is scarcely above half the extent of its gape; lower labial fold interrupted in the middle. A thin horny covering to the lower jaw. Barbels: the rostral ones reach to below the hind edge of the eye, the maxillary ones to the hind edge of the preopercle. Fins : dorsal anteriorly nearly as high as the body, commencing slightly nearer the snout than the base of the caudal fin, or midway between the two ; its last undivided ray weak, articulated, and with some very small obsolete denticulations posteriorly about its centre (absent in some specimens). Pectoral as long as the head behind the front nostril, and reaching rather above halfway to the ventral, which latter is shorter than the pectoral, reaching about halfway to the base of the anal. Anal almost reaching base of caudal when laid flat, the length of its base being only one third of its height. Caudal with rounded lobes. Free portion of the tail rather longer than high. Scales: in the first third of the body those along the lateral line are larger than those above or below them, but posteriorly they are of the same size ; the tiled row equal about half the diameter of the eye. Colours silvery. M'Clelland says of S. edeniana that its spine is slender, soft, and denticulated at its base, but the reflected fold of the lower lip is uninterupted. Bacoma gobioides, M'Clell, from the Bamean river, shows the head almost as short as in this species ; but it has a strong serrated dorsal spine, whilst that fin is on an elevated base. The anal does not appear to reach above halfway to the base of the caudal. Hab. The specimens are from Panja (9000 feet), the waters going to the Oxus. The dorsal spine approaches that of Ptychobarbus. 7. SCHIZOTHORAX IRREGULARIS, sp. nov. ? Schizothorax edeniana, M'Clell. Calc. J. N. H. ii. p. 579. B. iv., D. |, P. 18, V. 9, A. |, C. 20, L. 1. 98, L. tr. 26/. Length of head 5, of caudal 6, height of body 6 iii the total length. Eyes: diameter 6| in the length of head, 2\ diameters from the end of snout, and about 2 apart. Interorbital space nearly flat. The greatest width of the head equals its height or its length behind the orbit. Mouth narrow; the upper jaw slightly the longer, and only slightly overhung by the snout. Cleft of mouth |