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Show 1876.] MR. G. E. DOBSON ON THE MOLOSSI. 723 the muzzle as far forward as a point corresponding to the position the upper incisors beneath ; outer and inner margins continuous, evenly convex above, the inner margin with three minute horny points; antitragus well developed, separated by a deep notch, quadrangular with shortly rounded angles, the length of its base but slightly exceeding the depth of its anterior margin ; tragus small, quadrate, its superior margin directed upwards and inwards, a small projection at the base of its outer margin; keel of the ear-conch large, thickened, expanded, and flattened externally in its lower third. Extremity of the nose projecting very much, the distance from the anterior margin of the nostril to the margin of the upper lip exceeding the diameter of the base of the antitragus ; upper lip with vertical wrinkles. Wings-membrane from the middle of the tibia. Fur very short above and beneath ; dark brown above, the base of the hairs whitish ; beneath dirty yellowish-white, the sides of the body brown. The first upper premolar stands in the tooth-row and fills up the narrow space between the canine and second premolar ; lower incisors very small, not occupying all the space in front of the canines. Length (of an adult $ specimen): head and body 2"*25 ; tail 1"*25, tail free from membrane 0"*8; head 0"*9 ; ear 0"*7, tragus 0"*lx0"*03; forearm l"*35 ; thumb 0"*3 ; second finger-metacarp. 1"*35, 1st ph. 0"*55, 2nd ph. 0"*7; third finger-metacarp. 1"*3, 1st ph. 0"*45, 2nd ph. 0"*35 ; fourth finger-metacarp. 0"*8, 1st ph. 0"*35, 2nd ph. 0"*15 ; tibia 0"*45 ; foot and claws 0"*3. Hab. Africa (Sierra Leone,Lagos, Mozambique). Type in the collection of the Berlin Museum. 8. NYCTINOMUS PUMILUS. Dysopes pumilus, Cretzsch., Riippell, Atlas, Reise nordl. Afrika, Zool. p. 69, pl. xxvii. (1826); Temminck, Monogr. M a m m . ii. p. 354 (1835-41); Wagner, Suppl. Schreb. Saugeth. i. p. 470 (1844). Ears shorter than the head, united upon the muzzle as in the preceding species, but by a deeper band ; outer and inner margins of the ear-conch continuous, evenly rounded above, the inner margin with three minute horny points ; antitragus half-oval, arising abruptly from a point behind and on the same level with the angle of the mouth, directly below the posterior commissure of the eyelids, separated posteriorly by a narrow moderately deep notch; tragus small, quadrate, superior margin straight, parallel to the base of the tragus; keel of the ear-conch small, straight, not expanded in lower third. Extremity of the muzzle not projecting as much as in the preceding species, the distance from the anterior margin of the nostril to the margin of the upper lip not exceeding the length of the base of the antitragus; upper lip very expansible, with deep vertical wrinkles. Wing-membrane from the distal third of the tibia. Fur rather short, but longer than in the preceding species ; above, whitish at the base, then dark brown to the tips of the hairs; be- |