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Show 1876.] MR. H. E. DRESSER ON A N E W TETRAOGALLUS. 675 extends I cannot positively say; but there is a specimen in the Cambridge Museum sent by Mr. Blyth and stated to have been obtained in " India ;" but no precise locality is given. All the other specimens from India and Baluchistan are referable to L. platyrhyncha. I may add that there is a specimen of L. sibirica in full summer dress, from Siberia, in the Cambridge Museum. 9. O n a new Species of Tetraogallus. By Fl. E. DRESSER, F.Z.S. [Received June 20, 1876.] Mr. Charles Danford, who has just returned from the Taurus mountains with a rich collection of mammals and birds, has brought a fine series of specimens of a Snow-Partridge, which he has requested me to compare and determine. As I find it is as yet undescribed, and quite distinct from any known species, I propose to give it the name suggested by him of T E T R A O G A L L U S TAURICUS, as the Taurus range appears to be its true habitat. Though allied to Tetraogallus caucasicus, this species is very easily distinguishable from that bird, not only by its coloration, as will be seen by the detailed description, but also by its much larger size. The following is the description of a pair selected from the series. $ adulta pileo sordide cinereo-cano vix cervino tincto, versus nucham cervino cinereo ; collo postico et dorso antico cervino-cinereis corpore supra reliquo sicut in Tetraogallo caucasico picturato, sed pallide cervino cinereo nee saturate cinereo ; alis sicut in T. sed tectricibus majoribus magis caruleis et ad basin minus vermiculatis ; cauda sicut in T. caucasico, sed pallidiore ; fronte, superciliari, capitis lateribus et gula cervino-albis; regione pallide cano, et stria magna in colli lateribus utrinque eana; gutture et pectore superiore einer eo-canis, plumis cinereo-cervino terminatis et nigro guttatis; pectore reliquo cinereo-cervino griseo-nigro vermiculato,plumis omnibus ad basin caruleo-canis; abdomine centrali schistaceo-fuliginoso; crisso sordide cervino, subcaudalibus cervino-albis; hypochondriis caruleo-canis, utrinque castaneo striatis et nigro marginatis, plumis in parte suprema vermiculatis, et plumis in parte ima cinereo-cervinis nigro-cinereo vermiculatis et cervino-castaneo marginatis ; rostro fiavido ad basin pallidiore, naribus rufo-auran-tiacis: plaga nuda circum et infra oculos late flava: pedibus late rufo-aurantiacis, unguibus saturate cornels : iride fusca. °. minor et sordidior ; pileo vix cervino et saturate gi-iseo notato stria in colli lateribus et gutture antico nigro notatis, hoc vermiculato; plaga nuda oculari minore; rostro et pedibus sicut in mare, sed paulo sordidioribus. Adult Male (Koroskeui, Taurus, 15th April, 1876). Crown dull ashy blue, with a buff tinge gradually merging into ashy buff, this latter colour pervading the hind neck and fore part of the back |