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Show 1876.] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON THE GENUS TERACOLUS. 141 connected by a greyish internal streak with the base ; secondaries with the marginal spots occasionally larger, and a dusky ill-defined spot on the second median interspace: primaries below with the apical area dull lemon-yellow, bounded internally by an angulated brown line, followed by and edging a broad orange streak ; secondaries sandy whitish, irrorated sparsely with brown, a congregation of brown scales on the costa near apex, and an ill-defined streak across the median branches ; costa at base orange, a black and orange point at end of cell. Expanse of wings 1 inch 4-7 lines. 2 . Sulphur-yellow above, base slightly greyish, internal area of primaries grey, darkest at base and in a spot beyond the middle, where it terminates ; outer margin bordered by brown triangular connected spots, the apices of the nervures also brown ; a narrow angulated discal brown streak halfway between the cell and apex; a minute black point at end of cell; secondaries with a marginal series of brown spots, a lunular subapical spot on subcostal interspace ; a squamose brown discal streak across the median branches : wings below with the base of primaries yellow and the secondaries slightly darker; otherwise as in the male. Expanse of wings 1 inch 3 lines. Between Natal and Delagoa Bay (4 examples, E. C. Buxton). Type, B.M. This is a well-marked little species, easily distinguished by the coloration of the under surface. 47. TERACOLUS LY^EUS, n. sp. (Plate VI. fig. 2.) 3. Wings above white, base greyish black, base of costa, head, palpi, and prothorax pinkish ; centre of costa of primaries markedly black ; apex orange, sharply cut, with lilacine reflections ; outer border to first median branch black, strongly sinuated between the veins, whose apices are also black ; a well-defined rounded black spot, touching the third median branch, upon the second median interspace ; fringe, excepting at external angle, rosy ; an ill-defined internal pale grey streak, slightly darker at its extremity ; secondaries with a marginal series of black spots, more or less triangular ; fringe rosy at anal angle: primaries below with the apical area chrome-yellow, irrorated with grey and cut by an angulated orange streak; fringe and costa as above ; secondaries rosy, irrorated with grey ; a dusky subapical spot, and a second on second median interspace; an orange-and-black discocellular point; costa deep orange. Expanse of wings 1 inch 4 lines. 2 . White above, with the apex of primaries yellow and the costa rosy; base yellow, irrorated with grey; primaries with apical markings, as in the preceding species, but broader; a greyish ill-defined internal streak, terminating in a brown spot; secondaries with a marginal series of large brown spots, a brown subapical spot, and a W-shaped discal marking cut by the third median branch: wings below as in the male, but rather paler. Expanse of wings 1 inch 4 lines. Between Natal and Delagoa Bay (3 examples, E. C. Buxton). Type, B.M. |