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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 97 and with leather long subdepressed pale seta?, the interspaces with dense greyish-brown scaling. Elytra oblongo-ovate, vexy narrow in J , shoulders sloping, sides subparallel to beyond middle, apical processes vexy short in $ , absent in o*. Upper surface convex, with regular rows of small shallow punctures ; interval 1 with a row of depressed seta? disappearing near apex ; intervals 2, 4, and 6 each with oxxly a vexy short apical row of small tubercles, that on 2 subcristate ; intervals 3, 5, and 7 with costate rows of small closely-set tubercles, those on the two former ceasing abruptly behind middle ; only the extx-eme apices of tubercles bare and each with a depressed pale seta, the interspaces with dense uniform pale greyish-brown scaling. Legs with fine white pubescence and scattered white seta? ; posterior tar-si narrow, the 3rd joint rather broader than 2nd, 1st joint longer than 2nd, and 2nd than 3i"d. C A P E COLONY. T Y P E in tlxe Stockholm Museum. 87. H. ACULEATUS Mshl. (Plate III. fig. 7.) //. aculeatus Mshl. 1. c. p. 455 (1903). Long. 12, lat. 5 m m. Head broadly and deeply excavated, densely clothed with brown scaling, the vertex, a narrow central line, and a ring round the eye paler and with a metallic inflection; a short fine centx-al stria between the eyes ; anteocular furrows narrow but deep, approximated clorsally. Rostrum not incised at base, as long as head and prothox-ax, slightly curved, its upper outline very strongly angulated beyond middle. Upper surface convex, densely covered with pale scaling, 5-sulcate, the carina? edging the central furrow being gradually x-aised so as to form a shax-p angular prominence beyond middle ; lateral sulci deep and distinct, the upper pair meeting at base; scrobes straight and directed beneath base of rostrum; inferior basal fux-row present, but not strongly marked. Antennas with scape barely reaching eye; the two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax as long as its width at base, very little narrower at apex, sides not much rounded, broadest about middle, ocular lobes moderately developed. Upper surface not very convex, with a broad median furrow (without a carina) and on each side of it three regular rows of long cylindrical spine-like tubercles, each row containing five; the whole sur-face densely clothed with brown scales, except the extreme apices of the tubercles, each of which bears a long depressed seta. Elytra elongato-ovate, sides not much rounded, broadest about middle, apical declivity longer and more abrupt than usual, apical processes absent. Upper-surface very convex, with regular rows of punctures, somewhat obscured by the dense brownish scaling ; the intervals slightly and equally costate, each with a regular row of small scale-covered setigerous granules, those on interval 2 slightly cristate on the declivity only. Legs elongate, with dense grey scaling and scattered pale seta? ; posterior tarsi with the 2nd joint a little narrower than the other'two, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st slightly longer. PROC. ZOOL. S O C - 1904, VOL. I. No. VII. 7 |