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Show 248 MR. MARTIN JAOOBY O N [Feb. 16, the female I cannot separate from that of C. polyhislor as described by Suffrian. The female of C. mandibulars was not known to Suffrian, who suspected it to be of similar coloration to his C. polyhistor, a surmise in which he was perfectly right; this sex has a fulvous thorax with an angulate black band and black elytra, the legs being fulvous. The only differences which Suffrian mentions between the two species are the more narrow shape of C. mandibularis, the differently marked elytra, and the legs which are partly black in tlxe male. I am, however, almost sure that C. polyhistor is only the dark and spotted form, and the other-species the paler one in which the elytral spots are reduced to two at the sides; traces of the other markings can be seen in some specimens; and, as I said above, the female cannot be separated from that of C. polyhistor. The name Achcenops mandibularis must be omitted altogether on account of a mistake on m y part. ISNUS SUTURALIS, Sp. n. Black, basal joints of the antenna? and legs flavous; thox-ax closely and strongly punctured ; elytra very closely punctate-striate, flavous, with a broad, sutural, posteriorly pointed black band, extending to below the middle. Length lg millim. Head piceous or black, remotely punctured, the labrum fulvous, eyes but slightly notched, not vexy closely approached ; antenna? very short, the last six joints broadly widened, black, the lower four or five joints flavous; thorax obliquely narrowed in front, the basal margin pointed at the middle, the disc closely, evenly, and corxxpax-atively strongly punctured, black ; scutellum narrowly elongate, black ; elytra short and broad, distinctly punctured in vexy closely approached rows, the punctures stronger near the suture than at tlxe sides, the outer two interstices broad and slightly convex, finely punctured, the outer portion flavous, the rest occupied by a broad blackish band which extends to the shoulders at the base and gradually narrows at tlxe suture, where it ends in a point below the middle; pygidium piceous, stx-ongly punctured; underside nearly black, the prosternum scarcely longer than broad, flattened, its base truncate; legs flavous. Hab. Malvern, Natal (C. Barker). This very small species agrees in all structural details with Weise's genus Isnus (Ax-clr. f. Naturgesch. 1898, p. 216); it may he at once knowm by its coloration. COSNOBIUS MELANOCEPHALUS, Sp. n. Pale fulvous, the head black; thorax impunctate, the sides with a transverse depression; elytra strongly punctate-striate, the interstices convex, the apex black ; below and the legs fulvous, the abdomen black. Length 2|-3 millim. Head black, the lower portion strongly punctured, the upper |