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Show 56 Ml!. G. A. K. MARSHALL ON COLEOPTERA [Jan. 19, 40. H. ABRUPTECOSTATUS Gyl. H. abruptecostatvs Gyl. Schh. Gen. Cux-c. i. p. 463 (1833). H. spectrum Gyl. {pars) op. c. v. p. 748 (1840). Long. 29, lat. 12 m m. Head convex, closely but shallowly punctured and with dense fulvous scaling on vei"tex, forehead with an elongate central fovea ; anteoculax- furrows deep, convergent above. Rostrum as long as bead and prothorax, not incised clorsally at base, strongly curved beyond middle, but straight near base. Upper surface almost plane basally, broadly excavate anteriorly, with the edges obtusely raised, with even shallow punctuation and fine brown scaling throughout; upper lateral sulci very faint and not meeting at base, the lower pair much longer and deeper; sci'obes directed to beneath base of rostrum ; inferior basal fuiTOW shallow. An-tennce with scape xxot x-eachingeye ; the two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax transverse, but the length greater than the width at base, which is a little broader than the apex, sides dilated into a stixmg tuberculate angular projection before middle, anterior margin rather convex and x'aised into a callus, ocular lobes well developed. Upper surface almost plane, with a transvex'se impression just behind apex, fairly closely bxrt unevenly set with low rounded tubercles, leaving a distinct central fiu-row containing a low carina, and also a short curved bare space on each side; tubercles with shoi-t depressed pale setae, they, as well as the interstices, fairly closely covered with brown scalixxg. Elytra eloxxgato-ovate, shoulders sloping, sides distinctly x-ounded, broadest befox-e middle, apical px-ocesses large, divergent, and sharply pointed ixx § , rather shorter axxd blunter in o* • Upper surface convex, with regular rows of shallow punctures separated by small granules ; interval 1 with a row of granules vanishing behind middle; interval 2 with only an apical row of small closely-set granules which is strongly cristate on the declivity; iixtervals 3, 5. and 7 with rows of agglomerated granules forming distinct costa?, all of which cease before apex ; intervals 4 and 6 quite smooth; granules bare, each with a depressed pale seta; scaling small, rounded, fairly dense, dark brown variegated with small paler spots and patches. Apical margin of fourth abdominal segment ixx $ with four vexy distinct shax-p horizontal projections; abdomen of J normal. Legs with scattered fulvous scaling forming a dense ring round apex of femora; posterior tarsi broad, spongy beneath, the joints of about the same width, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st rather longer. CAPE COLONY {Sir A. Smith). T Y P E in tlxe Stockholnx Museum. Although Gyllenhal himself subsequently sunk this species as a synonym of H. spectrum F., I cannot doubt that it is a distinct species; for apart from the remarkable abdominal character ixx the $ and the compression of the elytra posteriorly, these latter are more acuminate apicaUy and the costa? on them are much more |