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Show No. 3. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.* February 16th, 1904. HERBERT DRUCE, Esq., F.L.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. The SECRETARY read a report on the additions that had been made to the Society's Menagerie in January 1904, and called special attention to a Hainan Gibbon (Hylobates hainanus) received on deposit on January 25th, and to a Philippine Hornbill (Penelopides afftnis) presented by Mrs. Johnstone on January 26th. The SECRETARY read a letter, addressed to Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.M.G., from the late Mr. W . G. Doggett, from Uganda. It contained information, gathered from natives of the Mbogo country, on the Okapi and on a supposed new species of Antelope known to the natives by the name of " Shaw-le." Prof. E. A. MINCHIN, F.Z.S., exhibited and made remarks upon a specimen of the Spider Ileteropoda regia (Fabr.) which had been captured at University College, London. This Spider bad a very wide distribution, which was probably due to its being carried by the wind during its younger stage and also by ships. Mr. OLDFIELD THOMAS, F.R.S., read a communication from the Hon. W A L T E R ROTHSCHILD, M.P., F.Z.S., which contained a description of a new subspecies of Cephalophus nyasce. It was defined as follows:- CEPHALOPHUS NYAS.E DEFRIESI. Differs from C. nyasce in the greater extent of red on the flanks and thighs and more intense rufous legs. The belly is much more extensively white; the greyish brown of the upper * This Abstract is published by the Society at 3 Hanover Square, London, W., on the Tuesday following the date of Meeting to which it refers. It will be issued, free of extra charge, to all Fellows w ho subscribe to the Publications, along with the ' Proceedings'; but it m ay be obtained on the day of publication at the price of Sixpence, or, if desired, sent post-free for the sum of Six Shillings per annum, payable in advance. |