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Show 1901.] AFRICAN PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 249 part entirely occupied by the eyes; labrum flavous; antenna? with the last six joints thickened, black, the basal joints flavous; thorax narrowed in front, the sides nearly straight, the anterior margin accompanied by a deep transverse groove, the sides with another very obsolete transverse oblique groove, the entire surface impunctate, very shining, fulvous, the base pi-oduced into a short point at the middle; scutellum narrowly elongate ; elytx-a strongly and closely punctate-striate, the seventh x-ow interrupted below the shoulders, the interstices longitudinally convex, light fulvous, the extreme apex of each black ; pygidium closely punctured, black; underside fulvous, the last four abdominal segments black, closely punctured; presternum subquadrate, x-emotely punctured, fulvous, the posterior margin concave. Hah. Salisbury, Mashonaland (G. Marshall). Whether a rather larger sized specimen sent by Mr. Marshall, having the elytra finely punctured, the interstices broad and flat, and the entire apex black, also tlxe pygidium and underside fulvous, represents the female of this species or is specifically distinct, I am unable to say at px-esexxt. ACHiENOPS O'NEILI, sp. 11. Underside more or less black; head axxd thorax pale fulvous, the margins of the latter and two spots at the base yellowish white; elytx-a pale yellow, extremely finely punctux-ed, tlxe suture, a small humex-al spot, and a more or less developed sutural spot or band near the apex black ; antenna? and legs fulvous. Length 2 millim. Head impunctate, flavous, sometimes with a small central fulvous spot; eyes widely separated, not very deeply emarginate; antenna? short, pale flavous or fulvous, the terminal six joints widened; thorax narrowed in front, short, the sides nearly straight, the surface impunctate, fulvous, the lateral margins rather broadly, the anterior margins mox-e narrowly, and a transverse band at the base pale yellow (tlxe basal band is divided by an extremely narx-ow fulvous stripe) ; scutellum short, triangular, testaceous, margined with black; elytra with obsolete and fine punctures arranged in rows, yellowish white, the basal margin and the suture, a small spot orr the shoulders, and a transverse band near the apex black, the band sometimes only indicated by a spot; underside black, the abdomen more or less and the legs pale fulvous ; prosternum longer than bx-oad, the base concave, the angles produced. Hab. Dunbrody, Cape Colony (Rev. J. A. O'Neil). Of this pretty little species I have received three specimens from the Rev. J. A. O'Neil, who states that they were obtained on mimosa-plants. EUMOLPIN^E. EURYDEMUS NIGRICErS, Sp. IX. Black; above and the basal joints of the antenna? fulvous |