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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 33 declivity; interval 3, however, has a short additional row about the sxxmmit of the declivity; tubercles bare, each with a minute depressed seta; interstices with large round white scaling, which is vexy sparse oix disk but dense towards the sides. Legs with sparse white scaling and long black seta?; the joixxts of posterior tarsi broad, spongy beneath, axxd subequal in length and breadth. CAPE COLONY. Allied to H. verrucellus Gyl., but this is a larger and more robust iixsect; the central furrow on the rostrum is less deep, the prothorax is shorter and its sides much more strongly rounded, and the elytra lack the elevated tubercles on the declivity which are present in verrucellus. 14. H. CONGESTUS Mshl. (Plate I. fig. 2.) II. congestus Mshl. 1. c. p. 440 (1902). Long. 13-17, lat. 6-8 mm. Head convex, with rugose punctures, some of which contain a large white scale; forehead not flattened, coarsely striate; anteocular furrows deep and complete. Rostrum as long as the prothorax only, separated from head by a deep dorsal incision, distinctly curved, subparallel to beyond middle and then very slightly dilated. Upper surface convex, with a deep narrow central furrow throughout having a broad and coarsely-punctured costa on either side; lateral sulci not meeting at base, both pairs deep and distinct, of equal length and filled with white squamae ; scrobes deep and lateral, almost parallel to the sulci; inferior basal burrow broad and deep. Antennce with scape just reaching eyes ; the two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax nearly as long as broad, the length equal to the width at base, apex much narrower, sides very little rounded, slightly diverging from base to near apex, then rapidly narrowing. Upper surface convex, closely set with large rouxxded shiny tubercles, leaving a very narrow, and sometimes obsolete, central furrow containing no carina; granules bare, with depressed dark setae, the interstices with a few scattered white scales; dorsal anterior margin convex, ocular lobes strongly developed. Elytra broadly oblongo-ovate in $, much narrower in S, shoulders prominent and subrectangular, sides rounded, broadest about middle, apical processes very short but sharp in both sexes. Upper surface convex, with no distinct striation, the whole surface being equally covered with even and regular rows of rounded granules, except for a tubercular prominence on the declivity of the third interval (as in albicinctits Gyl.), and a much lower elongate one on the declivity of interval 5 ; these prominences are sometimes a good deal reduced in the S ', granules bare and with very short depressed dark seta?, the ixxterstices with a few isolated white scales which are more numerous near the margins, and a small but distinct white spot at the apex of the sutux-e. Legs with scattered white scales and black seta?; the inner edges of tibiae strongly dexxtate ; posterior tax^si with the three basal joints subequal in length and breadth. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1904, V O L . I. No. III. 3 |