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Show 1904.] AFRICAN PHYTOPHAGQUB COLEOPTERA. 257 and their rugose sides, in connection with the dark a?neous colour and black antenna?. I received two specimens of this species fi-om the Rev. J. A. O'Neil, who obtained them from M . Ledoux, the discoverer of the species. MACETES RUGICOLLIS, sp. n. Cupreous, clothed with white pubescence ; apical joints of the antenna? black ; head and thorax finely, confluently rugose ; elytra with a few fine punctures and white pubescence arranged in longitudinal bands. Length 5 millim. Subquadrate, ovate; the head entirely longitudinally strigose, the striga? confluent, the interstices finely pubescent, anterior-margin of the epistome semicircularly emarginate; labrum metallic green, alutaceous ; antenna? extending to the base of the elytra, the lower six joints cupreous, the others black, strongly incrassate; thorax transverse, slightly constricted at the base and apex, the lateral max-gins distinct, the surface sculptured like the head ; scutellum subpexxtagonal; elytra with a short but distinct depression below the base, the latter with a few fine punctures, the rest of the disc scarcely perceptibly punctured, with four-more or less distinct bands of white hairs; anterior and posterior femox-a dentate, thickened; underside and legs clothed with short white pubescence. Hab. Lower Tugela, Natal (C. Barker). Quite distinct, orr account of the sculpture of the head and thorax, from any other species of the genus. I have received a single specimen from Mr. Barker. MACETES PUSILLA, sp. n. Greenish a?neous, pubescent, the labrum, antenna?, tibia?, and tarsi fulvous; thorax transverse, closely and finely punctured and pubescent; elytra with basal depx-ession, more strongly punctured than the thorax, clothed with white pubescence; anterior and posterior femora dentate. Length 3 millim. Of oblong, subquadrate shape ; the head closely and rather strongly punctured, clothed with longish white pubescence; epistome triangularly emarginate at its anterior edge ; labrum and palpi fulvous ; antenna? rather long, fulvous, the terminal five joints dilated, the last one longer than broad; thorax about one-half broader than long, the sides rounded, anteriorly deflexed when viewed fx-onx above, the lateral margins obsolete, the surface rather convex, with an obsolete transverse groove near the anterior max-gin, finely and closely punctured and clothed with white hairs, which, at the middle, form a more or less distinct stripe ; scutellum subquadrate, pubescent; elytra wider at the base than the thox-ax, with a distinct depression below the raised basal portion, the shoulders prominent, closely and irregulax-ly punctured, the punctures larger at tlxe anterior portion than PROC ZOOL. Soc-1904, VOL. I. No. XVII. 17 |