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Show LIST OF CONTENTS. January 19, 1904. Page The Secretary. Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in November and December, 1903 1 The Secretary. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, skins of the Transvaal Bustard, Trachelotis barrovii 2 Mr. R. I. Pocock. Exhibition of photographs of a young hybrid Waterbuck 3 Mr. Oldfield Thomas, F.R.S. Exhibition of a skin and skull and description of a new subspecies of Gazelle, Gazella soemmeri'ingii butteri 4 Mr. Macleod Yearsley, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of aneurysms in the Jaguar and a Turtle 5 1. A Monograph of the Coleoptera of the Genus Hipporrhinus Schh. (Curculionidse). By G U Y A. K. M A R S H A L L , F.Z.S. (Plates I.-IV.) 6 2. On proposed Additions to the accepted Systematic Characters of certain Mammals. By Dr. W A L T ER KIDD, F.Z.S 142 3. Some Observations on the Skull of the Giraffe. By W . G. RIDEWOOD, D.Sc, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Lecturer on Biology at the Medical School of St. Mary's Hospital ... 150 a 2 464716 |