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Show 1904.] SKULL OF THE GIRAFFE. 153 advance of the cheek-teeth, and the view obtained is shown in text-fig. 5 (p. 152). The whole of the bony envelope is formed by the two nasals, which meet in the middle line above, and the maxilla?, which meet one another below. Tlxe maxillo-turbinals are cut through, and the front part of the vomer is also included in tlxe sectiorr. The section shown in text-fig. 6 (p. 152) is taken through thepre-lachrymal vacuity or fossa, as shown by line 2 in text-fig. 4 (p. 151), and passes between the first and second molar teeth of each side. The vacuities in the nasal bones are large, and the two nasal bones Text-fig. 7. plefyy. pahit Outline sketch of the view, looking forwards, of the skull cut through the median horn and through the middle of the orbit, as shown by the line 3 in text-titr. 4. One-third (linear) of the natural size. ax-e iii extensive contact in the median plane of the head, so that tlxe sagittal suture is of considerable vertical height; the sutures between tlxe nasals axxd the frontals are equally extensive. The extreme anterior ends of the frontal vacuities are included in the section. The maxillary sinuses in the dried skull open laterally |