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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 129 vncerttts may be distinguished by the sparser and more elevated granules on tlxe prothorax, the almost entire absence of granules on intervals 2, 4, and 6 of the elytra, and the much larger and more distant granules on the remaining intervals. 126. H. ARENARIUS Fahr. H. arenarius Fahr. Ofv. K. Vet.-Akad. Forh. p. 210 (1871). Long. 12, lat. 5^-6 mm. Head convex on vertex, forehead flattened and usually with a shallow central fovea, punctuation close and deep but hidden beneath the dense brown scaling; anteocular furrows obsolete. Rostrum not incised at base, about as long as prothorax only, very little curved. Upper- surface with three narrow and slightly undulating carina? converging towards base, which is higher than the plane of forehead, punctuation coarse but hidden by the scaling; lateral sulci distinct, the upper pair-broader and meeting at base; scrobes lateral but not very oblique; inferior basal furrow very deep. Antennce piceous, setose; scape curved, exceeding the anterior, but not the posterior, mar-gin of eye; tlxe two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax in J slightly bx-oader than long, the length a little greater than the width at base; in $ more transverse, the length less than the width at base; apex narx-ower than base, sides moderately rounded, broadest about middle, dorsal anterior-margin truncate ; ocular lobes feebly developed. Upper surface convex, closely set with small rounded granules, leaving a narrow central furrow without a carina ; granules bare, interstices with thick brown scaling. Elytra ovate in 6*, broader and nxox-e convex in $, shoulders sloping, sides moderately rounded, broadest about middle, apical processes very short in $, absent in <$ . Upper surface convex, sulcate, the sulci containing rows of large shallow punctures with minute intex-vening gx-anules ; intex-vals all equally raised, each having a single row of gx-anules bearing shox-t depressed pale seta?; scaling dense, dax-k brown, pax-tly concealing the sculpturing of the sulci. Legs with dense scaling except on basal half of femora which is finely setose; the legs are max-kedly thicker in the cS and the tibia? are more curved, the hind pair having a strong tooth before middle on tlxe interior edge ; posterior tarsi with tlxe 2nd joint slightly narrower than the others, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, the 1st longer. MATABELELAND : Bulawayo (J. P. Cregoe & F. Eyles). T Y P E (a $ ) in the Stockholm Museum. The peculiar structure of the hind tibiae will enable tlxe S of this species to be easily recognised ; the $ has only a slight indication of the tibial tooth. In size and general shape the species has much the appearance of corniculatus Fahr. 127. H. SERIEGRANOSUS Gyl. H. seriegranosus Gyl. Schh. Gen. Cure. v. p. 772 (1840). Long. 11, lat. 4 mm. PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1904, VOL. I. No. IX. 9 |