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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 113 with the 3rd joint rather broader than the others, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st rather longer. CAPE COLONY : Burghersdorp. T Y P E in the Stockholm Museum. 107. H. LATICEPS Mshl. (Plate III. fig. 10.) H. laticep>s Mshl. 1. c. p. 453 (1902). Long. 10, lat. 4 m m . Head densely covered with brown scaling, convex on vertex ; forehead broad, flattened and with a short central carina, eyes prominent; anteocular furrows short and narrow but distinct. Rostrum not incised at base, short and thick, about as long as prothorax only, scarcely curved. Upper surface convex, closely punctured and densely squamose, with five thin undulating carina?, which are black and shiny, tlxe three central ones being of the same height; lateral sulci distinct, the upper pair much broader and converging at base, which is evidently raised ; scrobes latex-al but oblique ; inferior transverse basal fur-row absent. Antennas piceous, finely pubescent; scape just reaching anterior margin of eye ; tlxe two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax transverse, its length about equal to the width at base, which is scarcely broader than apex, dorsal anterior margin deeply concave, sides moderately rounded, broadest about middle, ocular lobes very slight. Upper surface convex, closely set with rounded granules, leaving a narrow central furrow without any carina; granules bare, each with a subdepressed seta, the interstices with brown scaling and a paler central line. Elytra elongato-ovate, rather acuminate apically in $, shoulders rounded, sides scarcely ampliated, broadest about middle, apical processes absent. Upper surface almost plane on disk, faintly sulcate, the sulci containing .small shallow punctures which are quite hidden by the scaling; all intervals similar, having single rows of minute black granules bearing subdepressed seta?; scaling dense, uniform grey-brown. Legs with long whitish pubescence; posterior tarsi narrow, setose, the 2nd joint rather narrower than the 1st and 3rd, 2nd and 3rd .subequal in length, 1st longer. C A P E COLONY : Port Elizabeth (Dr. H. Brauns). T Y P E in the British Museum. In m y original description (loc. cit.) of this species I compared it with arenarius Fahr. I had not then seen Fahra?us' type, and the insect which I referred to his species is really permixtus Mshl. 108. H. GUNNINGI Mshl. (Plate IV. fig. 2.) H. gunningi Mshl. 1. c. p. 442 (1902). Long. 19-20, lat. 7|-8 m m. Head closely punctured and densely squamose, convex on vertex, forehead flattened and with a central carina, eyes rather prominent; anteocular furrows obsolescent. Rostrum not incised at base, scarcely as long as prothorax alone, very little curved and PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1904, VOL. I. No. VIII. 8 |