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Show No. 5. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. March 15th, 1904. Dr. HENRY WOODWARD, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. The SECRETARY read a report on the additions that had been made to the Society's Menagerie during the month of February 1904, and called special attention to two male Asiatic Wapiti, presented by the President on February 23rd, and to a male Kiang (Equus hemionus) obtained by purchase on February 26th. Mr. FRANK SLADE, F.Z.S., exhibited and made remarks upon a living Bantam hen which had on each of her wing's a well-developed thumb and claw. Dr. C. I. FORSYTH MAJOR, F.Z.S., exhibited a skull of Hystrix leucura (presented by Captain Stewart Douglas) showing a supernumerary fifth cheek-tooth in both sides of the upper jaw. The superadded tooth was considered to be the last in the series, and therefore a fourth true molar. Dr. FORSYTH MAJOR also exhibited, on behalf of Dr. R. Broom, C.M.Z.S., two fcetal Springbok skulls, S and §, which had calcified upper deciduous canines. A third exhibition by Dr. FORSYTH MAJOR consisted of an additional minute lower cheek-tooth occurring in a Middle Miocene Shrew (Sorex pusillus); this Shrew was intermediate in time as well as in the number of its lower teeth between the Oligocene Protosorex and the recent species of Sorex. * Tbis Abstract is published by the Society at 3 Hanover Square, London, W., on the Tuesday following the date of Meeting to which it refers. It will be issued, free of extra charge, to all Fellows who subscribe to the Publications, along with the ' Proceedings'; but it m a y be obtained on tbe day of publication at the price of Sixpence, or, if desired, sent post-free for the sum of Six Shillings per annum, payable in advance. |