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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 891 behind middle but sometimes continued to apex and more or less duplicated and agglomerated in the basal half ; intervals 5 and 7 with similar, but complete rows ; 4 and 6 smooth, or at most with a few small isolated tubercles; apices of tubercles bare and with dark depressed seta?, interstices with dense brown setiform scaling. Legs with scattered brown scaling and setae, forming a denser ring near apex of femora ; posterior tax-si with the joints of about same width, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st longer. A N G O L A : Huilla, 3800-5500 ft. (Dr. Welwitsch). O V A M P O L A N O (A. W. Eriksson). T Y P E in tlxe South African Museum. Allied to loahlbergi Boh., but differs in its strongly convergent anteocular furrows, tlxe narrow and shallow thoracic furrow, and tlxe px-esence of an apical row of tubercles on interval 2 of the elytra. 77. H. ASPER Mshl. (Plate III. fig. 2.) H asper Mshl. 1. c. p. 445 (1902). Loxxg. 11-12, lat. 4|-5 mm. Head convex, vertex closely and finely punctured and with dense fulvous scaling, forehead bare, dispersely punctured and with a distinct centx-al fovea ; anteocular furrows distinct. Rostrum not incised at base, about as long as head and px-othorax, curved axxd dilated to apex. Upper surface with a distinct central furrow, which is narrow at base and dilated anteriorly, its sides being bluntly costate, distinctly punctured except on a smooth narrow central line, the pirnctures bearing depressed seta?; lower-lateral sulci almost obsolete, the upper ones distinct axxd meeting at base ; scrobes directed beneath base of rostrum ; inferior basal furrow shallow. Antennas with scape not reaching eye ; the two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax broader than loxxg, apex about as wide as base, sides strongly dilated before middle owing to tlxe presence of several laxge latex-al tubercles, dorsal anterior margin convex, ocular lobes strongly developed. Upper surface convex, with large elevated tubercles, bearing depx-essed setae and leaving a deep central furrow containing a strong carina and with its margins subcostate ; the intex'stices with fulvous scaling. Elytra ovate, shoulders roundecQy prominent, sides slightly rounded, broadest about middle, apical processes short and blunt ixx both sexes. Uppex- surface convex, with regular rows of fovea? separated by small granules; interval 1 with an indistinct row of granules vanishing behind middle; interval 2 with only three to five prominent tubercles on the declivity; interval 3 with a row of seven or eight elevated tubex'cles terminating abruptly just behind middle ; 4 and 6 smooth; 5 and 7 with regular and complete rows of elevated tubercles; scaling sparse, variegated brown and fulvous. Legs with scattered scales axxd a denser pale ring near apex of femora; posterior tax-si with tlxe joints of about tlxe same width, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st longer. NATAL. TRANSVAAL : Lydenburg. T Y P E in the British Museum. |