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Show No. 6. ABSTRACT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. April 19th, 1904. Dr. HENRY WOODWARD, F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. The SECRETARY read a report on the additions that had been made to the Society's Menagerie during the month of March 1904, and called special attention to a young female Snow-Leopard (Felis uncia), from the Pamirs, presented by Capt. Mackintosh ; to two young female Cheetahs (Cyncelurus jubatus), from Somali-land, presented by Capt. Barnard ; to adult male and female examples of the Nisnas Monkey (Cercopithecus pyrrhonotus), from Uganda, presented by Mr. C. R. Hall; and to a Potto (Perodicticus potto) and two North-African Crowned Cranes (Balearica pavonina), from Lagos, presented by Dr. Macfarlane. Mr. OLDFIELD THOMAS, F.R.S., exhibited some skulls of a small North Australian Rock-Wallaby (Peradorcas concinna Gould), illustrating the recently discovered fact that this animal, in common with the Manatee alone of all Mammalia, had a continuously renewed molar series, fresh teeth growing up and pushing forwards from behind pari passu with the fall of worn-out teeth in front. No evidence was available as to the number of successive teeth produced in the course of the animal's life, but a minimum of seven molars (that is, three more than the normal) was certain. Mr. OLDFIELD THOMAS also exhibited the skin and skull of a Hartebeest shot by Mr. F. J. Jackson in Uganda, which he considered to represent a new subspecies, and described it as follows :- * This Abstract is published by the Society at 3 Hanover Square, London, W . on tbe Tuesday following the date of Meeting to which it refers. It will be issued, free of extra charge, to all Fellows who subscribe to the Publications, along with the ' Proceedings'; but it m a y be obtained on the day of publication at the price of Sixpence, or, if desired, sent post-free for the sum of Six Shillings per annum, payable in advance. |