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Show 396 SIR C. ELIOT ON NUDIBRANCHS [Mar. 1, round the mantle. The foot is of a light violet-blue ; the branchiae orange with deep violet tips ; the rhinophores uniform deep violet. The animals are sluggish and not very sensitive to touch. The buccal parts and other characters are as described by Bergh. One specimen has six branchiae, the other eight, of which one was posterior to the others and very small. 12. CHROMODORIS HILARIS B., var. (? = lineata Soul.) [S. R. xvii. pp. 935-937.] Nine specimens from Tundaua, Pemba, found on a sandy shore. The description of the living animals is as follows :-" Creamy white. Foot and mantle edged with violet. On the back four undefined brown lines with three violet lines between. Foot projects behind mantle. Gills and rhinophores vermilion. About 1| inches long." The preserved specimens are longish and not very stoutly built. The measurements of the largest are : length 25 mm., breadth 10 mm., and height 9 m m . The colour is the ordinary alcoholic yellow; on the back are traces of four brownish and three white lines, the latter representing the violet of the living animal. Some, but not all, of the specimens appear to have a similar white line on the sides of the body between the mantle and the foot. The branchial aperture is very small; the branchiae themselves not very small and 10-12 in number. The foot is rounded in front and slightly grooved. The tentacles are distinct. The mantle-edge is of very varying shape, sometimes fairly wide and thin, sometimes merely a thick ridge. The labial armature and radula are much as represented in Bergh's plates. The former is a grey ring composed of mace-like elements. The latter is small and transparent. Most of the teeth are bifid, with four or five accessory denticles below the two prongs. The innermost have one or two denticles on the inner side. The rhachidian thickenings are small and not very distinct. Bergh's specimen was in life " hell ocker-gelb " with four bluish-black lines on the back, but on the whole the colour and markings are sufficiently similar to justify us in regarding the present specimens as merely varieties. 13. CHROMODORIS LINEATA Soul. (? = Chr. hilaris B.) (Plate XXIV. fig. 7.) One specimen from the East Coast of Zanzibar. The notes on the living animal are as follows :-" Cream-coloured. Gills and rhinophores vermilion. There were brio-lit violet lines on the cream-yellow ground, bordering the foot and mantle : two along the sides of the body and five along the back. The two outside ones encircled the rhinophore-pits and joined in front; the median encircled the gill-pocket." Tbe alcoholic specimen is yellow and the violet lines have become white. It is high and stout, the dimensions being-length |