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Show 1904.] OF SOUTH-AMERICAN BUTTERFLIES. 489 side reddish brown. Primaries dark brown, the costal margin arid half the base of the wing reddish brown to the end of the cell; a white point in the cell and a larger one at the end of the cell; beyond the cell a curved line of seven white clots crosses the wing from the costal to the inner margin ; a submarginal reddish-brown band extends from near the apex almost to the anal angle ; the fringe alternately brown and white. The secondaries very similar to the primaries. Under side : both wings very like the upper side, but the reddish-brown band brighter in colour and rather wider, the white spots larger and more numerous; also a marginal row of small white clots on both wings extends from the apex to the anal angle; the fringes as on the upper side. Expanse 1£ inch. Hab. N. Brazil: Matto Grosso, Chapada (H. H. Smith) (Mus. Godman). Allied to Stalachtis sontella Schaus, from Castro Parana. EXPLANATION OP THE PLATES. PLATE XXXIII. Pig. 1. Eurygona ocalea, $ , p. 481. 2. E. candaria, $, p. 481. 3. Eurybia ceerulescens, $, p. 482. 4. E. sinnaces, £ > V- 482. 5. Mesosemia axilla, $ , p. 483. 6. M. anica, p. 483. 7. M.paramba, <?, P- 483. 8. M. candara, $, p. 484. 9. M. carderi, $, p. 484. 10. M. parishi, <?,p. 485. 11. Cremna asa, $, p. 485. PlATE XXXIV. Fig. 1. Nymphidium candace, $, p. 487. 2. Erycina mendita, $, p. 485. 3. Nymphidium medusa, <?,p. 488. 4. Lemonias auria, p. 487. 5. Charis catidiope, $, p. 486. 6. C. mandosa, £, p. 486. 7. C.myrtis, <?,p. 486. 8. Stalachtis canidia, <J, p. 488. 9. Sisemepeculiaris, (J, p. 486. 10. Nymphidium minuta, <?, p. 487. 11. N. augea, ? , p. 488. 12. Aricoris striata, $, p. 488. |