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Show 1904.] OF THE GENUS HIPPORRHINUS. 41 anterior margin almost concave, ocular lobes moderate. Upper surface convex, closely granulate, except for a very narrow central furrow containing no carina ; granules bare at apex and with depressed pale setae, interstices with dense brown scaling. Elytra elongato-ovate, very narrow in S, being scarcely broader than the pi'othorax, sides gradually rounded, broadest rather before middle, apical pr-ocesses minute tuberculiform and widely separated in 2 » absent in o* • Upper surface convex, the stria? with rows of shallow punctures; intervals each with a regular row of gi'anules, those on 3, 5, and 7 being a little more prominent than the others ; interval 3 with a single granule on the declivity lax-ger than the others ; granules with their apices only bare and with pale depressed seta?; scaling dense, uniform earthy brown. Legs with fine white seta?, forming a denser ring near apex of femora ; posterior tarsi rather narrow, 3rd joint slightly broader than the others, 2nd and 3rd subequal in length, 1st longer. C A P E COLONY : Algoa Bay {Dr. H. Brauns). T Y P E in the British Museum. This species, of which Dr. Brauns has kindly sent me five specimens, is like a very small and naiTOw bituberculatus, but in addition to the differently shaped prothorax it may be distinguished by the plicate forehead, which is not impressed as in that species. 24. H. CAPENSIS (L.). Curculio capensis L. Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 59 (1764); Hex-bst, Col. vi. p. 286, t. 82. f. 3 (1797); Sparrm. Act. Holm. i. p. 48, t. 2. f. 16 (1785); 01. Ent. v. 83, p. 393, t. 5. f. 52 & t. 9. ft". 109, 110 (1807). H. capensis Gyl. Schh. Gen. Cure. i. p. 483 (1883). ? Curculio capistratus F. Maxxt. i. p. 120 (1787). ? H. capistratus Gyl. op. c. v. p. 786 (1840). Long. 14-20, lat. 5-8£ mm. Head closely and deeply punctured, with sparse brownish scaling, vertex convex, forehead retuse; anteocular furrows deep. Rostrum separated from head by a deep dorsal incision, almost as long as head and prothorax, thick, strongly curved, and scarcely dilated at apex. Upper surface rugosely punctured and with thin pale scaling, with five stroxxg carina?, the central one smooth and the others coarsely punctured ; lateral sulci deep, of equal length, the upper pair uniting at base ; scrobes deep, lateral and parallel with sulci; inferior basal furrow very deep. Antennae with dense, fine, grey scaling; scape barely reaching eye; the two basal joints of funicle subequal. Prothorax as long as broad in S, transverse in $ , apex nax-rower than base, sides rounded, broadest about middle in <$, behind middle in $ , dorsal anterior margin truncate or very slightly convex, ocular lobes well developed. Upper surface convex, closely set with low rounded granules, leaving a very narrow and often ill-defined central furrow; granules bare, each with a minute depressed seta, the interstices with brown or greyish scaling. Elytra ovate in $ , very narrow |