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Show < s·6 ,. . - BurnyAt, in another large Book. entituled, A New-England Fire-bran_d ~e~cherl. . , • Afrer rhefe light Sktrmtfhmgs and. Bic:k nngs by the way, which I haVe followed .htm m, n.otwithllanding his Confeffiohs of rhetr nor bemg. Right, nor their Caufe Good. , He comes, B~ok VII P· 2 r. Ch. 4. ro lay a 1110re formal Stege againfi the City of our God, like one of the hardieft and refolucefi Soldiers, a8ing under the .. Energy of that Old Serpent (to ufe his own Term) the Prince of Darknefs, rhat _I have obfe.r,ved among· all che Armies of the Alzens, under rhe Power of .AbadJo11 and Apo/Jyon,, the. Deftroyer that hat~ appeared or rifen up m thts ~ay _of the ~amb s Appearance, to make War 11gamft hzm and h_ts Fol- Rev·20·9·Zowers, even like Gog and Mat,og, compt~jfing ~he Camp of the Saints about, and the be~oved Cit~. He, like Proud Goliah, Jefyi,;g the Armzes of. the !t·. ving God ; and, like Railing Rabf!lekah, reproachmg the People of God; even, as if, wuh Abab, ~e had foltl himfelf to ?JJork Wickedne{s, and to Revzle ~nd .Abufe the Lord's People, who are Innocent, as to hun and all Men and wbofe help and trufl i4 in the Name PI[al.I24.8 of the Lord.", In whofe Sr'rength I fear not to ta. so. to. go forth againft him, and engage h1' m ( notyvt' th. - fianding all his Armour) and w wound htm. tn the Forehea~, where lhe Mark P~ the Beaft JS. ]gnett He calls thisChaprer, Ignes Fatu1: Or, the Mofttui. leflations given to the Churches in New-England, by that odd SeE/ of People, eal/ed ~akers. An[w. Were the Churches of New-England theCh~rches of Chrift, they would not have counted n Moleftarion for the Lord's People to come among them at' his Command, to vHir the Seed of God in thofe parts, but would, like tbofe ar Be~ea, _.as r. 7, (who we1·e more Noble than thofe in Theffal?mca, lo, 11. in th.tt refpetl) have received the 'Jvord wttb. ~~ readm-;s . . . . . ( S? ) ~uzdinefs .of Mind, and fe~~~ched the Seripturel daylj whether thofe thi,-gJ were fo j and for calling them that o.dd Sea ca/Jed ft!!akers, it's no more rhan rhe People of God (who trembler/ at his Word) in . former Ages were; for Paul. was called a Ring.. 24·) • leader of the SeE! of the Nazarenes ; and the Chri- 28.22. llians a Sea every 'Jvhere fpoken 11gain{!, as they are at this Day. i C. M. 1ft he Churches of our Lord .1e[u1 Chrifl muft 4rbtttm every Age be aJ/aulted by Hereticks. Anfw. The C(Jtit Church of Chrifi in aJl Ages h~rh not only been .atlault. alfaulted, by many Enemiesiwich Reproaches,&c . bur perfecured by fuch as him and his Genera-tion, who did Always riftft the Ho/1 Ghojf, 111 their A8:s 7·5 14 FatkerJ di1, fo Jo .thefe al{o, refifl the Truth, Men of2Tim~3."8~ corrupt Mmds, Reprobate concerning the Faith, &c. who always counted the Tr~th, Here1ie ; and irs Followers, Heretitks ; A Cling under the Energ1 of that Old Serpe~t (as he fays) who kno'Juing that 111 th~ firfl Creation, fo the new Creation begins wilil Ltght, bath ufedThoufands of Blinds, to keep a faving Lig~t .from ent~ing into the Souls of Men. An[w. Th~s ts u.ndoubr~dly the very Caufe, why rhey oppofe the favtng Light of Jefus Chrift from entring into their Souls, becaufe they are b/ivded 2 Cor.4.4.; by that Old Serpent, the God of thil World who · ·hath blinded the Mindi of them which belie~e not lef/ the Light of the Gloriotl~ Gojjiel of Chrif!, who J the lm_age of God, fhou/J fhine unto t them; a «!ling tOr, into. u~der the Energy of that Old Serpent-That bemg a People of wrong Underfhmding ( as he fays) be t~at made them fbould not have Mercy on tbun. Wh1ch, to be fure, is the Enemy's Work to de-llroy the Soul. . , C. M. It muft be expeEied, that the Churches of ~ew-England fhould undergo {ome .A./faults from the 1)ett· 'Worft of Heretick.s that thil Age has produced, which titkSS. · Mm ~ he |