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Show ( 218 ) ptifhed the Meafure of his Sufferings, for the Seed's fake there, which the Lord fuffered them to Inflitt upon him, in a very ilion time he wa' delivered our of Prifon, contrary to the Expettation of his Enemies, without paying. One Penny, or any One for him. In their Wills he could not Work, and fuffered for it; in the Will of the Lord he Wrought, and was delivered for his Faithfulnefs to him : The Governour's Sifter was Infirumenral in his Li~ berry, whom his Sufferings rook deep upon; and (he being very fad, the Governour asked the Caufe, which file told him, and he fet himM ufrcehe. more might be fa1d of the Sufferin.gs of thefe People, in the Dutch· Plantation (who are too much enclining ro Cruelty themfelves.) Bur the Governour was very Moderare before, when Robert was wi[h him ; but· this Willet ( who had his Hand fo. deep in the Sufferings of the Innocenr, as aforefaid ) that fo incenfed him, that he grew Fierce, and into great Enmiry againft them, and made a Law (through Example of you) That thofe who received any of them into their Houfes, Jhould pay Fifty Pounds Sterling; one third part to the Informer, who (houltl be concealed ( the bener to Encourage them in their Wickednefs.) And that if any VejJel (houltl bring any of them into that 1urifdi8ion, it p1oultl be forfeited, 7Vith the Goods : And if but one were Entertained, and that but one Night, it wrn Fifty Pounds Sterling. Notwithftanding, there were rt 1 that Entertained them willingly, for which fome J:f.' cilhtoanr-, were Imprhr.o ned, and fome Fined, as, 'Joh• terton, Tilton, and J-oan Chatterton, and Henry TownfenJ, Hd Townf who was fined Five Hundred Guilders, and threat· eu • ned to be fent oUt of the JurifdiGtion, abothuet ( 21.9 ) Ftheea k7, Cah nod f Etdhwe a6rdth Mo mh, 1~)8.· And To~itU The 7th cers in th T Harr ( Engli.fh-men and Offi of the 6th e own of Ulij]in ( . . - Month, New-Netherlands on L 1 ~ or Flu[hmu) in 16c8 P ·r. , onu-Tnand) o 1 • rHon, becaufe the c8urd were caft into T. Feak, putch-Governour's cJrders n~n profecure the£. Hwt• m chat Town A d , . agamft rhefe People ing called before ~h; ~r faJd Henry Townfend be: n. Townf demanded to pay the ~v~rnour and Court, and eni. -That bio Perfon and E me, and he anfwering and they might take it f•:~, was under their Hands: not pay the Fine. The ~ ffi ry wou_ld, but he could any more, but for.th~i~h ered ht_m n_ot co fpeak Dungeon, in rhe w· caft hun mto a miry dle of rhe rIch M Inrherr{eafon, abour rhe mid-t et. I1 e wrore ro rhe OGnot v' .I 6 c}- 7 · N"l ~e Days af· The nth he could not pay the Mone etnour and Ftfcal,-That of Mar.-b, he lay in an irk!: p :r: 1 ttpm that A.ccount, altho, 16)7· n. · · 'l 011J "Jon ant! 7 f fdtutton, and Sickl . , ~cu r-. a weak Con-friends giving an~ h' and forb_td his \Vife and 0~ her and her f.:a:l C~rld nO£WHhfranding' rhc CrJ h!s fore Sufferings . rh S :~n, wh? could not bear hts Wife and Fr· 'd ~ ;a on bewg fo Cold and h 1e11 s m 1ucl f" ' t ere Perilh . and (h 1 "ar' that he would of his Pref;nce :J' a£>prehending a Neceffiry pre!fors rwo you~r orne, they gave his Opwas all he had) ~o?~~' a~d a Horfe (which thereupon. And M. IS Llberry, and had ic Waugh ( tWO M 'd ary Weathcrh~o;d and Doroth J d) c at ens) wh ~ 1J • an wr fpeakin . o came our of En - M. TreJ-flerdam, were calf ~n the St.rects of New-A!.- ''"b,ead, there kept for th mr,o a miry Dungeon and D.lf~t~<t,T,. which it was fupp:reSa~e of Eight Day;; in ved; and chen were ~ 'dy could nor have li-to a Boar with R d a rhrough the Su·eer fent for R[,.de-ljlan~. s tyed ar their Backs, and 0 z. And |