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Show ( S4 ) 1 1e to the nexr fiep of your Proceedings, mendOl c:d jn ytJttr Dcclar1tion, viz. the Cutting off Ecm-2JJIH i11creajed (to wir, the Penalty) by the lu(s of the Ears of thofe that ofJmrlerl tbe fecorul r;,m-:- he whole runs thus-And tbe Pwa!t;' inflicttd provi1Jl!:, infufFci8tJt to rcjlrain tbeir Imptltlrnt anrl l7tfclerJt Obtrufions, 'JJJtzs i11creaj'ed by the lojs of tbe Etzrs of tbofe that ofj'enderl the fecond time.~-· An/'lv. Befot e I come tn the panicular Execution of this Increafe of your Cruelty, J mufi ncc~ffarilv tmn alide ro fh 'W the Reader the etfeB: of rhe fo~·mer upon the Inhabitants, and what it produced as ro them, and your Proceedil gs lher upon. Your Violent and Bloody Proceedings fo affected rhe Inhabitants of Salem, and fo preached umo them, that divers of them could no longel panak'.. . with you, who mingled Blood wirh your Sacrifices, but chufing rather Peace with God in their Confciences, whofe Wirnefs in , rhem refiifie:d againil: fuch Worfhips, than to joyn with you, wharfoever rhey 'mighr rhercfore fuffer, withdrew from your Publick A!fembiies, and mer together by themfelves on the firft Days of the Week, ~Iet and Peaceable in one anorher's Houfes, wairing on lhe Lord. · This Separation ye foon obferved ( for it could nor be long hid) and ir grieved you fore, and William Hathorn (one of your Commiffioners ) having Know ltdge thereof, fent forth his Warrants ro bring all b fore him, who were taken together rhe next Morning ; before whom being .brought, he read umo rhem an old Law, made in 1646. w ConviCt them which fhould abfenr from rheir publick Meetings, afte. r rhe rare of Five Shillings a Week (now ~he B1fhops was but Twelve Pence in the Days of Quee~ ( 5) ) ~een Eliz.abeth) with which ye Con 1ieted rhtm (a PraCtice never ufcd by Chrifi nor hi~ A pofiles, nor by the Jews of Old ) which ycr faris fied him nor ; but this Capt. H{uhm·n fenr for them again, and aske0 them Enfnaring Qu fii - . ons, concerning the Sufficiency of tLe Light whi h Convinced of Sin, and h~d rhe Clerk of rhe Courc to wrire what they faid ; which Light that convinced of Sin, being the Light of Chrift, 'JVhich Enlighteneth every A1an that cometh hto the r;vorld; who fairh,-1 am the Light of the Worlcl-and John-That that i& the true Light that lighteth every Man that cometh into the World; in 2vhom 2vas Life, and the Light 'JJJtM the Light of Men : They Lan.'ra1o: owning it robe that which ir was (as it i ~) ro Sou~J-ick, be m{linded ~Y alhl, ~~dfent Three of l~em ro you fr!~~i~t ar Bo on~ vtz .. t e tat La1vrence _Southtck and Caj- .'fofi.tb ' fandra hts Wtfe, and Jofiah rheu Son (all of a their Son. Family, ro terrific rhe. refi) whom ye fenr ro *the 3d ot your ·* Houfe of CorreCtion (as ye call it) and the 12th caufed ro be Whipp'd in rhe coldefi Seafon of ~u~th, rhe Year with Cords, as thofe afore, rho' rwo 1 5 • of them were Aged People ; and having k('pt them Eleven Days in Prif<m, and commanded rhem ro Work for the Jaylor, who had Fami-lies of rh_eir own, ~nd Bulinefs ro anend upon, from whtch ye deramed them, and caufed rhem to Work for another, under rhe Penalry of your Law, as if they were Rogues or Vagabonds, and fuch as would not Work nor have re a~ rq ro their Families, but wander'up and dow~ to Beg and Steal, as is the Law of E1:oland and as it _pro~ ides; and tben fer them ar "Libe~ty, no-t? mg tn a Legal Way: For, as for rhe Infornu- £ton, ~he faid Hathm·n fent rh'em in a privare way ( as hts manner was ) fealed up co your Gover-nour, which he producerh nor. L\Jr:\'enhdcf.c;, q 4 whh |