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Show ( t88 ) ~ It WtU the Countries Reef: And becaufe he 1!~' killed a fat Cow, ere the ~arjhal feized her, he made a great a-do about 1t; and as go?d a Cow was required of the Servant that k1lled her; and John Alden, rheTreafurer, fent a War .. rant w the Conllable co apprehen~ the .Man, d bring him co Plimouth, and deltver htm ro ~~e Marfhal, there to be kept till the firfi M~nth, 1 659. this being the 9th Month, 1658. Whither he was brought, and bound by J~hn Alden and w. Collier, to let them have as good. a Cow, and to anfwer it the next Court, tho he was bur a Servanr to Edward Perry in what he did, and rhe Cow was nor feized, before he knock'd her down. So another Cow was feiz~d (;m, of Ed·u1ard Perry's, ;tnd two before, wluch made ir three for five Pounds, wonh Eleven. And when d;e Marfhal had taken his B~x, and ~ri· rings and Money and Plate therem, he ratfed a Report as if thd Papers difcovered fome De~ fign to c~r them off by the morrow Night (who were thus fought to be defiroyed, but deftroy none ) and Men he wo~ld Pr~fs to fecur~ EJ. ward, when it was no {uch thmg; aflld thts he did when he was fo Drunk, that he could hardly forbear Vomiring in the Bofom of him whom he pretended to P refs. And fo V_ile and Wicked was this Marfh.il) that when a Fnend of Ed21;ard Perry (whom he rook with hi~ on purpofe) asked him How he could ?vajh hM Hands of the Box of Wri;ings, and Plate, &c. ~hie~ be had ta· ken out (If the Iaid Edward' l Houfe w;thout a War· rmzt, and fought to Conce~t (and would noc con· fefs to the Particulars, when Edward demanded them of 'him) he, in a Scoff, faid,-I will wafll my Hands,-and fo rubbed them one in another., And wh~n Edward's Friend replied again,-Yeo~, George, ( 189 ) George thou mayp ,vafh thy -Hands, hut thou canft not wafh,thy Heart.-Hean(wered, ltill Laughing and Jeering, and faid,-·-Yes, one Dram ~(the Bottle will do it,---and dapt his Hand on hts Bofom. Unro which kind cf wathing (it feems ) he is u(ed too much, viz.-. to be Drunk, and then to be Mad, and co beat his Wife and Children like a Mad-man; and w throw the Things of rhe Houfe from one place to anorher. And yet this is the exrraordinary Marfoal of rhe Court of Ptimouth- Patent, made on purpofe for three Townfhips, viz. Sandwich, Barn.f!able and Yarmouth, to Vex, Rob, Spoil, and Yndo thofe Innocenc People ( whofe Heart was hard enough for thar pUrpofe, and his Hands bloody ) and to Hunt afcer their Meetings, which he ufed ro do up and down in the Woods, Tracking them by rhe Print of their Feet, and dillurbing rhem rhere, and balling and pulling them, when he Difturfinds them met, and treading on their Peer, and bances of rurning up their Hars, pretending he doth not Meetings know them, and Threatning them wich rhe by ~e::l Srocks, and Smoaking Tobacco among chem (he ~a~tlr~rte and his Companions) and fometimes Summon- and his ' ing them in cheir Meetings to appear at Court Hnntingc; ( Founeen he Summon'd, at one lime, as rhey aftc:rrlwm 'were mer rogerher, waiting on rhe Lord, on a firll Day of the Week, ro appear at Plimouth (twenty Miles dill am) the next Day) where they were fined Five Pounds a-piece, for refufing to Swear. At anotner time he fummon'd Ten more, to appear at the 8rh Momh Courr, 1658. at Plimouth, to take rqe Oarh of Fidelity: And this is part of the Dillurbance the Innocent Lambs of Chrift have had in rheir peaceable Meerings, by this Woolf, but in the Lord they have Peace ; he asking their Names (on purpofe M 3 ., . co |