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Show ( 66 ) Rope faHcd him; for now he cared nor what he did do: And all this, b caufe he did not Worl for him, which he could not do for a World, being Unable in Body, and Unfree in 1\tlind: So he gave him in all One Hundred and Seventeen Blows with a pirch'd Rope, fo that his Fldh was bearcn Blc~ck, and as inro a Gelly; and under his l\rms rhc bruifed Fldh and Blood hung down, clodded as ic were in Baggs ; and fo imo One was it beaten, that the fign of one particular Blow could not be feen ; yer your Cruel Jaylor thr arned to give him as m~ny more the ncxr 1\lorning, and his Friend, Wi!Jiam Leddra, with him; and as he wenr away, lock'd them up in a clofe Room again, and then went to his Morning-Sacrifice, with his Hands thus defiled with Blood : Bur William Brend having been without Food for five Days cogerher, and having been fo cruelly whipp'd, and lock'd and beaten, and in a clofe Room wirhour Bed, Food or Su!lenance, foon faimed away lying upon the Boards; whereupon a Cry was made, and the Prifon Doors were rhrown open. ar.d all Means ufed co fav his Life, if pofltble, and your Governour fem his Son and his Chyrurgion, to fee what might be done ( fuch Fear was fallen upon you, left ye lhould fuffer for his Blood) who thought it impotf1ble (according umo Men, rhar he lhould live, bur that his Flelh would Rm from off hi~ Bones, ere the bruiftd Flefh could be brought lO digefi (this was the Judgment of your Governour's Chirurgion) and fuch a Cry was made by the People that came in ro fee him, that ye were confirained, for rhe fatisfaction of rJ-em, to fer up a Paper at your Meering-Houfe-Door, and up and down the Streets, That the Jay1or fhould be · d~alt ( 67) deale withaJ the next Court ; but it was foon taken down again, upon the Tnfiigation of John NortorJ ( your High~Prieft, umo whom1 as rhe Fountain or Principal, m0fl of the CrueJry aud Bloodfheds herein rehearfed, is rn be imputtd) and the Jaylor let alone ~ Fnr, fc~.id .John Norton, (bur how Cruelly, let the Sober JUdge )-W. Brend endeavotlred to beat our Go( pel- Ordinances black and blue · and if he 'vas beaten black atJd blue, it 'VtM J-ufo upon him ; and faid, he would appear in the Jay lor's behalf.--Bur the Lord appeared wonderfully to raife up this his Servanr, and heal his Body beyond Expc8ation ; and ye appeared (when ye could do nothing elfe ) to jufiifie ~he Action ; which when Blood was like to lie upon you, ye would have call upon the Jaylor, who did bur t.XtCure your wms: But now Life appearing in Wdliam, ye rofe likewife and ordered (viz,. your Governour and D<. puryGovernour, and Ra1v{rm your St:c:rcrary, a chief Infiigaror of all this Cruelry) --That the Q:takerJ in Pri(on be 2vhipp' d t'mice a 1-Veek, "J they refit fed to T¥vrk, ancl the firft time to add Five Stripes to tbe firmer Ten, and each time to add Three to them (that is, to the Fifreen, and fo forwards, rhe Srripes lhould be incrcafed by the rimes of Whipping)-Which Order ye fem w the Jay lor, to firengrhen his Hands to do yet more Crue.lly; being fon:ewhar we,1kened by rhe flight of hts former Domgs; which Order he execured, as by and by will appear. And becaufe the Jaylor was under the Cenfure of the People, ye m c?ol Blood_, and afrer ~ll rhis CtUdty, and the Notfethereot,_pr cl:}imed by your Papers (when you were afra1d Wdlwm would nor have lired) Ordered, That _each time tl1e Jaylor fhould 'JJJarn tlJ.'O C(lnjlables oj thnt To1:m to (fe the E~.:ecutio1) ; E t which |