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Show Proceeding<; nnto .D.:ath. ( 'tt2) thir;g me[ withal in irs brin.ging fot rh1 and who were rhe Fathers, and bnngers of H on, an~ rhar (the Priefts and you) may be ma9e mamfe! l, 1 tball now proceed w whar ye. d1d to the Strangers, as well as ro r~e Inha~Hanrs, and how ye did nor only Bamfh, but mdeed, pur to Death. Thefe were rhe Men of the Country (whom 1 mencioned bdore) wirh whom ye proce~de.d as ro Ranifhment upon Pain of Death, and upon whom ye began : 8ut rhefe were nor all, bur with or hers, Natives of England, acc?unted Srrangas by you, ye proceeded as wtth the Inhabiranrs ; yea, and alfo puc to Death, a~ I fhall tbew by and by ; for rhe Lord ~od of L1fe and Power, who gives unw all Men Ltfe, Breath and Moving, who is rhe Lord of Hea~en and Earrh and doth wharfoever he pleafeth m them borh .' and who thall fay unro him, What Jop thou ? Who faith to the Nonh, Give up; (Znd to the South, Keep not back, &c. Bring my Sons fom ft~r, and my Daughters from the Ends of the Eart~, could not be limited by you, whofe B~earh ts in your Noftrils, who are ~ur Dufr, and whom in a Moment he can rurn Into Dull; nor be refirained by your Laws, which were made in your Wills, ro perfecuce the Juft: But the firong .. er ye made your Laws, and the more Cruel ye became, rh e more he weakned you by his Power jn his Servants, who wen£ thorow Banilhmenr and Deach : And the more ye foughr ro keep him under, the more he Rofe up amongfi: you in his Servants, and broke your Bonds, and bur!l your Cords afunder ; and ye were miftakcn, who rhoughr, thar by fuch things his purpofe could be difannulled, or his Counfel be kept from being brought co pafs, rho' he. fuf-fcred ( II~ ) fered ye thus to do, for rhe filling up yout Meafure, and the making bare his Arm, and the manifefting of the Glory of his Power, who is bringing great and mighty rhings ro pafi : To whom be Glory, and Pra1fe; and Dominion, for ever. So Death was rhe Thing ye aimed ~r, and their Blood ye would have, and rheir Blood re had, and the Lord fuffered ye fo ro do, ro try you, and to prove you, and to let the World fee how far Profeffion will go, wirhout the Power of GodlineC~. So fairh your Declaration, -Which Sentence (viz. of Banifhment upon Pain of Death ) being regularly pronouncerl at the /aft Court ~f Aj]ijtants, againft the Parties above-named, and they either returning, m· conti·nuing prefumptuoujly i1z tbr& JurifdiClion, after their time limited, 1uere Apprehended; and owning of themfelves to be the l)erfon~ Banifhed, were fentenc' d (by Court) to Death, acc~rdmg to the La'JV aforefaid, which bath been Exe~ uted tspon two of them, Mary Dyar (upon Petittan of her S~n, anrl the Mercy a·nd Clemency of tbis Court) had lt11erty to depart 7llithin two Da·p · which jl1e hath accepted of-. ' Ar1jw. Now I am come ro the Bouom of your W~:>rk,and rhe Hdghr of chis your Gradual w. 1\obin Proceedmg, from Banifhment unto Death, and in Jon, M: the In fiance of tbefe Three Servanrs of the Lord Steve?~ on, . Will' R b' .r: , 1\1. Dyar, VJZ. t tam o mJon, Marmaduke Stevmfon, and b::tnifh'cl, Mary Dyr.tr (rwo of whom, vjz. William Robin [on and afterand Marmaduke Steven{on, ye confefs w have wards put Executed; and rhe third, viz. lVlary Dy."lr, ro have to De.Hh, fenrenc'd lO Dearh, bur Reprieved, whom fince ye have pur ro Dearh) rhe Rebrion of whofe Sufferi~gs I thall proceed unro, and rhe Merirs of rh~tr Dearhs., and then reafon wirh you for the Pnce of the1r Snfferings. H 'l William |